Scoring criteria Course 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 ob jecti ves 平 袋 名 母格 不合格 A B D F ves 2 understanding of properties and understanding of the understanding the properties applications 0 the properties and of the and applications, effectively properties and applications, effectively plaining the applications with limite applications, illustrating the implications with some ability unable implications of these ideas for ability to explain the demonstrate the these ideas for real materials. explain the implications of implications of real materials. implications of I these ideas for I these ideas for these ideas for real materials. real materials real materials. Provide a Offer a clear and Provide a Exhibit a Lack comprehensive and coherent satisfactory limited or sufficient thorough explanation explanation of explanation of the underlyin the of the underlying ideas in rea. ideas in real the underlying ideas in rea. ideas in real measurements and measurements ideas in real measurements measurements and experimental and measurements and Course experimental techniques experimental and experimental objecti techniques. showcasing techniques experimental techniques ves 3 demonstrating a solid emonstrating a techniques, showing a lack deep understanding of basic with some gaps of understanding of the principles understanding in understanding the principles. and methodologie of the understanding of the methodologies involved. inciples and the principles principles and and applications methodologies and methodologies involved. involved. methodologies involved. involved. Course objecti ves Scoring criteria 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 优 良 中 合格 不合格 A B C D F ves 2 understanding of the properties and applications, effectively illustrating the implications of these ideas for real materials. properties and applications, effectively explaining the implications of these ideas for real materials. understanding of the properties and applications, with some ability to explain the implications of these ideas for real materials. of the properties and applications, with limited ability to explain the implications of these ideas for real materials. understanding of the properties and applications, unable to demonstrate the implications of these ideas for real materials. Course objecti ves 3 Provide a comprehensive and thorough explanation of the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques, demonstrating a deep understanding of the principles, methodologies, and applications involved. Offer a clear and coherent explanation of the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques, showcasing a solid understanding of the principles and methodologies involved. Provide a satisfactory explanation of the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques, demonstrating a basic understanding of the principles and methodologies involved. Exhibit a limited or superficial explanation of the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques, with some gaps in understanding the principles and methodologies involved. Lack a sufficient explanation of the underlying ideas in real measurements and experimental techniques, showing a lack of understanding of the principles and methodologies involved
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