score for Obiective 3+ 0.3 x the final exar 0 bjective3 Total score for Objective 3. Overall degree of achievement .3 Degree of achievement for Course Objective 1 0.3 x Degree of achievement for Course Objective 2 0.4 x Degree of achievement for Course Objective 3. [3]Scor ing criteria Scoring criteria Course 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 ob iecti ves 优 良 合格 不合格 A 6 D Demonstrate and Display a solid a Exhibit a basic deep understanding satisfactory understanding sufficient comprehensive the key concept understanding of some key understanding understanding of in magnetic the key concepts in of the key the key concepts physics,with the concepts in magnetic concepts in in magnetic ability physics. but magnetic physics provide clea physics with limitedphysics,unable showcasing the explanations an to explain them ability to to provide ves 1 ability to apply them to to a certainexplain or accurate explain complex basic scenarios. extent and apply them explanations o】 ideas,apply them apply them in accuratelv. apply them to various simple effectively scenarios, contexts analyze implications. Demonstrate Show solid Display a Exhibit a basic grasp the satisfactory understanding sufficientscore for Objective 3 + 0.3 x the final exam score for Objective 3} / Total score for Objective 3. Overall degree of achievement = 0.3 x Degree of achievement for Course Objective 1 + 0.3 x Degree of achievement for Course Objective 2 + 0.4 x Degree of achievement for Course Objective 3. [3] Scoring criteria Course objecti ves Scoring criteria 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 优 良 中 合格 不合格 A B C D F Course objecti ves 1 Demonstrate a deep and comprehensive understanding of the key concepts in magnetic physics, showcasing the ability to explain complex ideas, apply them to various scenarios, and analyze their implications. Display a solid understanding of the key concepts in magnetic physics, with the ability to provide clear explanations and apply them to basic scenarios. Show a satisfactory understanding of the key concepts in magnetic physics, able to explain them to a certain extent and apply them in simple contexts. Exhibit a basic understanding of some key concepts in magnetic physics, but with limited ability to explain or apply them accurately. Lack a sufficient understanding of the key concepts in magnetic physics, unable to provide accurate explanations or apply them effectively. Course objecti Demonstrate a comprehensive Show a solid grasp of the Display a satisfactory Exhibit a basic understanding Lack a sufficient
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