son of the man who had killed his son Hector. Among the few to escape from Troy was Aeneas, son of Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. Warned by his mother, he left the city with his little son Ascanius and his elderly father, carrying with him the ods of Troy; his wife followed behind them, but was lost in the confusion. Aeneas himself was fated after much wandering to reach Italy, where he founded a new and greater Troy, the forerunner of rome The adventures of the Greek heroes on their way home from Troy, and the various homecomings they enjoyed, were enshrined in a number of epic poems known as Nostoi(returns). Of these poems the Odyssey, which describes the return of Odysseus to his homeland of Ithaca, is the only one to survive; the returns of the other heroes must be pieced together from a variety of later sources. We shall come to odysseus shortly NOTES 1恩人;捐助者;赠送者 2.赫拉克勒斯希腊神话中的大力神,名字引申自“赫 拉”和“荣耀ˆ,即赫拉克勒斯被称为ˆ赫拉的荣耀”,英 文名: Heracles。赫拉克勒斯是希腊神话中最伟大的 英雄,又名海格力斯,罗马神话名为的赫丘利 ( Hercules),他神勇无比,力大无穷,生前完成了十 二项英雄伟绩,他还参加了阿尔果斯远征帮助伊阿宋 觅取金羊毛,解救了普罗米修斯等等,赫拉克勒斯英 明一世,却最终遭小人迫害,难耐痛苦而自焚身亡, 死后升入奥利匹斯圣山,成为大力神,有关他惩恶扬 善,敢于斗争的神话故事,历来都是文艺家们乐于表现的主题。在今天的西方世界,赫拉克 勒斯一词已经成为了大力士和壮汉的同义词 赫拉克勒斯的十二项艰巨任务 ①涅墨亚森林的猛狮 国王交给赫拉克勒斯的第一件任务是:赫拉克勒 斯必须为他剥下尼密阿巨狮的兽皮。这头巨兽生活在 阿耳戈利斯地区的伯罗奔尼撒,尼密阿和克雷渥纳之 间的大森林里。狮子凶悍无比,人间的武器根本不能 伤害它。有人说,狮子本是巨人堤丰和半人半蛇的女 怪厄喀德那所生的儿子,还有人说,它是从月亮上掉 到地上来的。赫拉克勒斯出发去捕杀狮子。并且最终 杀死了它。用它的利爪划破了皮,终于把狮皮剥了下 来。后来,他用这张奇异的狮皮缝制了一件盔甲,还 做了一只新头盔。现在,他把带来的狮皮和武器收拾 好,把尼密阿巨狮的狮皮披在肩上,出发回泰林斯去。 ②九头蛇许德拉 许德拉是生有九个头的大毒蛇,它在草丛里神出 鬼没,为害四方。更可怕的是,它的头中最大的那个 是杀不死的,砍掉了,又会生出两个新的头。赫拉克 勒斯同朋友伊俄拉俄斯前来杀它,许德拉比狮子聪明71 son of the man who had killed his son Hector. Among the few to escape from Troy was Aeneas, son of Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. Warned by his mother, he left the city with his little son Ascanius and his elderly father, carrying with him the gods of Troy; his wife followed behind them, but was lost in the confusion. Aeneas himself was fated after much wandering to reach Italy, where he founded a new and greater Troy, the forerunner of Rome. The adventures of the Greek heroes on their way home from Troy, and the various homecomings they enjoyed, were enshrined58 in a number of epic poems known as Nostoi (Returns). Of these poems the Odyssey, which describes the return of Odysseus to his homeland of Ithaca, is the only one to survive; the returns of the other heroes must be pieced together from a variety of later sources. We shall come to Odysseus shortly. NOTES 1.恩人;捐助者;赠送者 2. 赫拉克勒斯,希腊神话中的大力神,名字引申自“赫 拉”和“荣耀”,即赫拉克勒斯被称为“赫拉的荣耀”,英 文名:Heracles。赫拉克勒斯是希腊神话中最伟大的 英雄,又名海格力斯,罗马神话名为的赫丘利 (Hercules),他神勇无比,力大无穷,生前完成了十 二项英雄伟绩,他还参加了阿尔果斯远征帮助伊阿宋 觅取金羊毛,解救了普罗米修斯等等,赫拉克勒斯英 明一世,却最终遭小人迫害,难耐痛苦而自焚身亡, 死后升入奥利匹斯圣山,成为大力神,有关他惩恶扬 善,敢于斗争的神话故事,历来都是文艺家们乐于表现的主题。在今天的西方世界,赫拉克 勒斯一词已经成为了大力士和壮汉的同义词。 赫拉克勒斯的十二项艰巨任务 ①涅墨亚森林的猛狮 国王交给赫拉克勒斯的第一件任务是:赫拉克勒 斯必须为他剥下尼密阿巨狮的兽皮。这头巨兽生活在 阿耳戈利斯地区的伯罗奔尼撒,尼密阿和克雷渥纳之 间的大森林里。狮子凶悍无比,人间的武器根本不能 伤害它。有人说,狮子本是巨人堤丰和半人半蛇的女 怪厄喀德那所生的儿子,还有人说,它是从月亮上掉 到地上来的。赫拉克勒斯出发去捕杀狮子。并且最终 杀死了它。用它的利爪划破了皮,终于把狮皮剥了下 来。后来,他用这张奇异的狮皮缝制了一件盔甲,还 做了一只新头盔。现在,他把带来的狮皮和武器收拾 好,把尼密阿巨狮的狮皮披在肩上,出发回泰林斯去。 ②九头蛇许德拉 许德拉是生有九个头的大毒蛇,它在草丛里神出 鬼没,为害四方。更可怕的是,它的头中最大的那个 是杀不死的,砍掉了,又会生出两个新的头。赫拉克 勒斯同朋友伊俄拉俄斯前来杀它,许德拉比狮子聪明
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