2212 仪器仪表学报 第30卷 [S)]赵琳,聂琦,高伟.基于MCMC方法的正则粒子滤波算法[9 SAYIM I,PERVAN B,PULLEN S,etaL.Experimental 及其应用1.仪器仪表学报,2008,29(10:2156-2162. and theoretical results on the LAAS sigma overbound[C]. ZHAO L,NIE Q.GAO W.Regularized particle filtering Proceedings of the ION GPS,Portland,2002:29-38. algorithm and its application based on MCMC method [J]. [10]KAPLAN E,HEGARTY C.Understanding GPS:Princi- Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2008,29(10): ples and applications[M].2nd ed.MA,US:Artech House, 2156-2162. Inc,2006:239-264. [6]ZHAI Y,YEARY M.Implementing particle filters with 作者简介 Metropolis-Hastings algorithms[C].Proceedings of 2004 王尔申,2002年和2005年于长春理 IEEE Region 5 Conference:Annual Technical and Lead- 工大学获得学士和硕士学位,现为大连海 ership Workshop.Norman.OK,2004:149-152. 事大学博士研究生,主要研究方向为GPS [7]LI P,KADIRKAMANATHAN V.Particle filtering 接收机信号处理、卫星导航。 based likelihood ratio approach to fault diagnosis in E-mail:wes2016@126.com nonlinear stochastic systems[J].IEEE Trans.Syst.,Man, Wang Ershen received BSc and MSc Cybern.C,2001,31(3):337-343. degrees both from Changchun University of Science and Tech- [8]DAR,LIN CH F.Anew failure detection approach and its nology in 2002 and 2005,respectively.Now he is pursuing application to GPS autonomous integrity monitoring[J]. PhD in Dalian Maritime University.His research interests in- IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, clude GPS receiver signal processing and GPS navigation. 1995,31(1):499-506. 万方数据2212 仪器仪表学报 第30卷 【5】赵琳,聂琦,高伟.基于MCMC方法的正则粒子滤波算法 及其应用【J】.仪器仪表学报,2008,29(10):2156-2162. ZHAO L,NIE Q,GAO W.Regularized particle filtering algorithm and its application based on MCMC method【J】. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2008,29(10): 2156.2162. 【6】ZHAI Y,YEARY M.Implementing particle filters with Metropolis—Hastings algorithms[C].Proceedings of 2004 IEEE Region 5 Conference:Annual Technical and Lead￾ership Workshop,Norman,OK。2004:149·152. 【71 LI P,KADmKAMANATHA N V.Particle filtering based likelihood ratio appmach to fault diagnosis in nonlinear stochastic systems[J].IEEE Trans.Syst.,Man, Cybem.C,200l,3 1(3):337-343. 【8】DAR,LIN CH E Anew failure detection approach and its application to GPS autonomous integrity monitoring[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 1995,3l(1):499.506. 【9】SAYIM I,PERVAN B,PULLEN S,et a1.Experimental and theoretical results on the LAAS sigma overbound[C]. Proceedings of the ION GPS,Portland,2002:29.38. 1101 KAPLAN E,髓GARl阿C。Understanding GPS:Princi￾pies and applications[M].2nd ed.MA,US:Artech House, lnc..2006:239.264. 作者简介 王尔申,2002年和2005年于长春理 工大学获得学士和硕士学位,现为大连海 事大学博士研究生,主要研究方向为GPS 接收机信号处理、卫星导航。 E-mail:wes2016@126.corn Wang Ershen received BSc and MSc degrees both from Changchun Universi哆of Science and Tech￾nology in 2002 and 2005,respectively.Now he is pursuing PhD in Dalian Maritime University.His research interests in￾elude GPS receiver signal processing and GPS navigation. 万方数据
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