Ductility,electrical conductivity, and corrosion resistance are impaired by cold working. the extent to which electrical conductivity is reduced by cold that other engthening processes.such as introducing alloying 100r 1000 uch the copperwire is a satisfa ry way to strengthen conductor ma- transmission of electrical power. 80 800 6 60.000 160 60.000 760 Blectrical 600 50.000 -conductivity 50 50.000 So 40.000 40.000 Yield Electrical 40 6 400 30.000 strength 30 30.000 conductivity 0以 20,000 20 20.000 200 10 Yield 20F 10,000 10,000 strength 10 20406080 0 204060800 04 0 Percent cold work Weight percent zinc 1020 3040506070 (a) 冷轧变形度/为 conductivity. 图2-51低碳钢的加工硬化现象 加工硬化(work hardening @各向异性(anisotropy ③理化性能的变化 (a)无织构 (b)有织构 残余内应力(residual stresses 图252因织构造成深冲制品的制耳示意图2.3.1 金属的塑性变形(plastic deformation) 2.3 金属的塑性加工 4、塑性变形对金属组织和性能的影响 (2) 塑性变形对金属性能的影响 加工硬化 (work hardening) 各向异性 (anisotropy) 理化性能的变化 残余内应力(residual stresses)