accessibility n. being easily approached,or entered,or obtained 易接近性,可达性 year-round a. existing active,or continuous throughout theyear 全年的 rumor n. unverified information of uncertain origin usually spread by word of mouth; hearsay 谣言,谣传,传闻.传说 fulfill v.to bring into actuality;effect 履行,使应验,实现 property n.a piece of real estate 地产,房地产 studio n.a room or building for movie,television,or radio productions (无线电或电视节目的)演播室,(制作电影的)摄影棚,(电影公司的)摄影场 boulevard n. (AmE)abroad city street,oftentree-lined and landscaped <美>林阴大道 comprise v.to consist of;to be composed of;to include;to contain;to compose;to constitute 由组(构)成,包含,包括,组成,构成 embed v. to fix firmly in a surrounding mass;to enclose snugly or firmly 埋置,埋入,嵌进 honoree n. the recipient of an honor 接受荣誉的人 immortalize v.to make not subject to death;to make never to be forgotten;to make everlasting 使不灭,使不朽,使名垂千古 legend n.1 an unverified story handed down fromearlier times,especially one popularly believed to be historical 传说,(历史)传奇故事 2 one that inspires legends or achieves legendary fameaccessibility n. being easily approached,or entered,or obtained 易接近性,可达性 year-round a. existing,active,or continuous throughout the year 全年的 rumor n. unverified information of uncertain origin usually spread by word of mouth; hearsay 谣言,谣传,传闻,传说 fulfill v. to bring into actuality; effect 履行,使应验,实现 property n. a piece of real estate 地产,房地产 studio n. a room or building for movie,television,or radio productions (无线电或电视节目的)演播室,(制作电影的)摄影棚,(电影公司的)摄影场 boulevard n. (AmE)a broad city street,often tree-lined and landscaped <美>林阴大道 comprise v. to consist of; to be composed of; to include; to contain; to compose; to constitute 由……组(构)成,包含,包括,组成,构成 embed v. to fix firmly in a surrounding mass; to enclose snugly or firmly 埋置,埋入,嵌进 honoree n. the recipient of an honor 接受荣誉的人 immortalize v. to make not subject to death; to make never to be forgotten; to make everlasting 使不灭,使不朽,使名垂千古 legend n. ① an unverified story handed down from earlier times,especially one popularly believed to be historical 传说,(历史)传奇故事 ② one that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame
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