传奇人物 venue n. the scene or setting in which something takes place;a place for large gatherings,asa sports stadium 事件发生地点,会场,大型集会的地点(如体育馆) recreation n refreshment of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates;play 消遣,娱乐 facility n. (often facilities)somethingthat facilitates an action or process something created to serve a particular functior (常用作复数)设备,设施 glimpsen. a brief,incomplete view or look 一瞥,一看 Phrases and Expressions顺序朗读新短语 serve as 起…作用within the limits of在…的范围内 all about 关于…的一切aside from除了…之外 try...out 试用,试验catch a glimpse of瞥见,快速浏览 spread out 展开,传开stup设立,开办,建立事业 real estate 房地产 传奇人物 venue n. the scene or setting in which something takes place; a place for large gatherings,as a sports stadium 事件发生地点,会场,大型集会的地点(如体育馆) recreation n. refreshment of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play 消遣,娱乐 facility n. (often facilities) something that facilitates an action or process;something created to serve a particular function (常用作复数)设备,设施 glimpsen. a brief, incomplete view or look 一瞥,一看 Phrases and Expressions 顺序朗读新短语 serve as 起……作用 within the limits of 在……的范围内 all about 关于……的一切aside from 除了……之外 try ... out 试用,试验 catch a glimpse of 瞥见,快速浏览 spread out 展开,传开 set up 设立,开办,建立事业 real estate 房地产
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