Unit5 Movies Difficult Sentences长难句 From the early days of Hollywoodto the high-tech cinema of today,the silver screen has projected our dreams and fantasies,presented both glamour and works of social conscience, and served as our collective memory. 从早期的好菜坞到今天的高科技影院,电影银幕已经上演了无数我们的美梦与幻想,呈现 了社会良知的魔力与效果,成为了我们共同的记忆。 本句的主语是"thesilver screen","projected"、"presented"和served"是三个 并列的谓语动词.而"from theearly days of Hollywood to the high-tech cinema oftoday则 在句中充当时间状语。 serve as'”意为“起…作用,作为…用,主语可以是人,也可以是物。介词“as”还 可以用“for来替换。 The old bookshelf can serve as/for a cupboard in the kitchen 这个旧书架可以放在厨房当碗橱用。 George has served as a driver for the general for twenty years. 乔治已经为将军当了二十年的司机了。 Hollywood,a district in Los Angeles in the western United States,pretty much encompasses what the American film and television industry is all about. 好菜坞是美国西部洛杉矶的一个行政区,包含了美国电影电视工业所有的一切。 名词短语"a district in Los Angeles in the western United States'"在句中作主语 "HoIlywood"的同位语;从句"what theAmericanfim and television industry is all about 在句中作谓语动词“encompass”的宾语。 英语中通常用名词(包括动名词)或代词来作同位语;从句也可用作同位语,即同位语从 句。 We,university students,should try ourbest to learn more professional knowledge. 我们大学生应该努力学习更多的专业知识。 The news that he was able to see the worldonce again encouraged many blind people.Unit 5 MoviesDifficult Sentences 长难句 From the early days of Hollywood to the high-tech cinema of today, the silver screen has projected our dreams and fantasies, presented both glamour and works of social conscience, and served as our collective memory. 从早期的好莱坞到今天的高科技影院,电影银幕已经上演了无数我们的美梦与幻想,呈现 了社会良知的魔力与效果,成为了我们共同的记忆。 本句的主语是“the silver screen”,“projected”、“presented”和“served”是三个 并列的谓语动词,而“from the early days of Hollywood to the high-tech cinema of today”则 在句中充当时间状语。 “serve as”意为“起……作用,作为……用”,主语可以是人,也可以是物。介词“as”还 可以用“for”来替换。 The old bookshelf can serve as/for a cupboard in the kitchen. 这个旧书架可以放在厨房当碗橱用。 George has served as a driver for the general for twenty years. 乔治已经为将军当了二十年的司机了。 Hollywood, a district in Los Angeles in the western United States,prettymuch encompasses what the American film and television industry is all about. 好莱坞是美国西部洛杉矶的一个行政区,包含了美国电影电视工业所有的一切。 名词短语“a district in Los Angeles in the western United States”在句中作主语 “Hollywood”的同位语;从句“what the American film and television industry is all about” 在句中作谓语动词“encompass”的宾语。 英语中通常用名词(包括动名词)或代词来作同位语;从句也可用作同位语,即同位语从 句。 We,university students,should try our best to learn more professional knowledge. 我们大学生应该努力学习更多的专业知识。 The news that he was able to see the world once again encouraged many blind people
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