CONSORT 2010 Sttement lacademia and clinic n2001 Any support to and ou to this CONSOR CONSORT GROUP ( Elaboration,and the CONSORT Web site in their "We suggest that authors who wish ld cit ORr200teroftheos SORT Gro up(C dated St tatement an Fl(13) the CONSORT 2010 AIl CONSORT an DG,Hill C,et al Doe CON metinioobherlhrgaC PCONSORT 2010 evolving guideline.It reauires raisal and.if 1.C fIn the future we wll further reise pbell MK.Eb materia me DR.Alm DG.)Eans ]CONSORT via he PC. RB.20103 MA1995273 oher M,et al Doe Grant Support:From United Kingdom National Institute for Health and the Me al R nd Am m1mM2091512649.6.mD:19625i PP. y a Uni DC.r M5)Getnde PC.Vandenb rengthening the Reporting of Obs Potential Conflicts of Interest:Disclos 79383961 o//.domNum-M10-0379 5950 search I rangle Park,NC 27709 -3.[PMI 2178DG.Em References 8R429125765 3.Glasriou P.Meats E.He 056 D:1 at is iNK.Bams KE Egger CH,Brid M www.amnals.orgCONSORT 2010 supplants the prior version pub￾lished in 2001. Any support for the earlier version accu￾mulated from journals or editorial groups will automati￾cally extend to this newer version, unless specifically requested otherwise. Journals that do not currently support CONSORT may do so by registering on the CONSORT Web site. If a journal supports or endorses CONSORT 2010, it should cite one of the original versions of CONSORT 2010, the CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration, and the CONSORT Web site in their “in￾structions to authors.” We suggest that authors who wish to cite CONSORT should cite this or another of the orig￾inal journal versions of CONSORT 2010 Statement and, if appropriate, the CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration (13). All CONSORT material can be accessed through the original publishing journals or the CONSORT Web site. Groups or individuals who desire to translate the CONSORT 2010 Statement into other languages should first consult the CONSORT policy statement on the Web site. We emphasize that CONSORT 2010 represents an evolving guideline. It requires perpetual reappraisal and, if necessary, modifications. In the future, we will further revise the CONSORT material considering comments, criticisms, experiences, and accumulating new evidence. We invite read￾ers to submit recommendations via the CONSORT Web site. From Family Health International, Research Triangle Park, North Caro￾lina; Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, Wolfson College, Oxford, United Kingdom; and Ottawa Methods Centre, Clin￾ical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Univer￾sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Grant Support: From United Kingdom National Institute for Health Research and the Medical Research Council; Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Presidents Fund, Canadian Institutes of Health Re￾search; Johnson & Johnson; BMJ; and American Society for Clinical Oncology. Dr. Altman is supported by Cancer Research UK, Dr. Moher by a University of Ottawa Research Chair, and Dr. Schulz by Family Health International. None of the sponsors had any involvement in the planning, execution, or writing of the CONSORT documents. In addi￾tion, no funder played a role in drafting the manuscript. Potential Conflicts of Interest: Disclosures can be viewed at www.acponline .org/authors/icmje/ConflictOfInterestForms.do?msNumM10-0379. Corresponding Author: Kenneth F. Schulz, PhD, MBA, Family Health International, PO Box 13950, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Current author addresses and author contributions are available at www .annals.org. References 1. Ju¨ni P, Altman DG, Egger M. Systematic reviews in health care: Assessing the quality of controlled clinical trials. BMJ. 2001;323:42-6. [PMID: 11440947] 2. Chan AW, Altman DG. Epidemiology and reporting of randomised trials published in PubMed journals. Lancet. 2005;365:1159-62. [PMID: 15794971] 3. 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