工程科学学报,第41卷,第2期:224-229,2019年2月 Chinese Joural of Engineering,Vol.41,No.2:224-229,February 2019 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.02.009;http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 非晶半导体薄膜用Te系化合物靶材制备 潘兴浩,储茂友⑧,王星明,刘宇阳,白雪,桂涛,张朝 北京有色金属研究总院稀有金属冶金材料研究所,北京100088 区通信作者,E-mail:chumaoyou(@163.com 摘要采用真空熔炼法,经急冷和缓冷两种不同冷却条件制备了Te系化合物TeAsGeSi合金粉体.通过X射线衍射分析, 急冷工艺制备粉体呈非晶态,缓冷工艺制备的粉体呈晶态,结晶主相为R-3m空间群的As,GeTe4:差热-热重分析显示,升温 至350℃时缓冷粉体As,GTe,成分熔融,400℃时两种粉体均开始快速失重,为避免制备过程中发生材料熔融及挥发损失,确 定烧结温度不超过340℃.采用真空热压法制备TeAsGeSi合金靶材,将两种粉体分别升温至340℃,加压20MPa,保温2h制 备出两种靶材,其中缓冷粉体制备的靶材致密度高,为5.46g·℃m3,达混合理论密度的99.5%,形貌表征显示此靶材表面平 整,孔洞少,元素分布均匀 关键词非晶半导体;粉体;靶材:TeAsGeSi;致密化 分类号TQ125.3 Preparation of Te-based compound target for amorphous semiconductor thin film PAN Xing-hao,CHU Mao-you,WANG Xing-ming,LIU Yu-yang,BAI Xue,GUI Tao,ZHANG Zhao Rare Metals and Metallurgy Materials Research Institute,General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals,Beijing 100088,China Corresponding author,E-mail:chumaoyou@163.com ABSTRACT When a certain threshold switching voltage is applied to a semiconductor of Te-based compound in a high-impedance amorphous state,the semiconductor transits into a low-resistance state,and the resistance difference is more than five orders of magni- tude.Therefore,TeAsGeSi material can be prepared as a threshold switch and used in the form of a thin film in a phase-change memo- ry and other elements to improve the performance of such elements.There are few studies on the preparation of such targets,and the key technologies have been monopolized.In this study,the powder difference was taken as the basis to study the target material prepa- ration process of this material in order to prepare a target with high density and uniform composition.Two kinds of TeAsGeSi alloy pow- ders were prepared by vacuum melting under different cooling conditions:quenching and slow cooling.The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that the powder prepared by rapid cooling is amorphous,while the powder prepared by slow cooling process is crystal- line,and the main crystal phase is As,GeTe.The differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry (DSC-TG)curves of the two powders shows that the powders begin to lose weight quickly at 400C.and the slowly cooled powder melts at 350C.As a result,the sintering temperature must not exceed 340C.The TeAsGeSi alloy target was prepared by vacuum hot pressing.The two powders were incubated at 340C for 2 h and 20 MPa to prepare two targets.The target material prepared by the slowly cooled powder has a high den- sity of 5.46g.cm3,reaching 99.5%of the theoretical density.The morphological characterization shows that the target has a smooth surface with few holes and uniform distribution of elements,and this target can produce high-performance thin films. KEY WORDS chalcogenide amorphous;powder;target;TeAsGeSi;densification 非晶态半导体,是一种在结构上,原子、分子或离子配位处于无规则状态的,具有长程位置无序,短 收稿日期:2018-01-03工程科学学报,第 41 卷,第 2 期:224鄄鄄229,2019 年 2 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 2: 224鄄鄄229, February 2019 DOI: 10. 13374 / j. issn2095鄄鄄9389. 2019. 02. 009; http: / / journals. ustb. edu. cn 非晶半导体薄膜用 Te 系化合物靶材制备 潘兴浩, 储茂友苣 , 王星明, 刘宇阳, 白 雪, 桂 涛, 张 朝 北京有色金属研究总院稀有金属冶金材料研究所, 北京 100088 苣通信作者, E鄄mail: chumaoyou@ 163. com 摘 要 采用真空熔炼法,经急冷和缓冷两种不同冷却条件制备了 Te 系化合物 TeAsGeSi 合金粉体. 通过 X 射线衍射分析, 急冷工艺制备粉体呈非晶态,缓冷工艺制备的粉体呈晶态,结晶主相为 R鄄鄄3m 空间群的 As2GeTe4 ;差热鄄鄄热重分析显示,升温 至 350 益时缓冷粉体 As2GeTe4 成分熔融,400 益时两种粉体均开始快速失重,为避免制备过程中发生材料熔融及挥发损失,确 定烧结温度不超过 340 益 . 采用真空热压法制备 TeAsGeSi 合金靶材,将两种粉体分别升温至 340 益 ,加压 20 MPa,保温 2 h 制 备出两种靶材,其中缓冷粉体制备的靶材致密度高,为 5郾 46 g·cm - 3 ,达混合理论密度的 99郾 5% ,形貌表征显示此靶材表面平 整,孔洞少,元素分布均匀. 关键词 非晶半导体; 粉体; 靶材; TeAsGeSi; 致密化 分类号 TQ125郾 3 收稿日期: 2018鄄鄄01鄄鄄03 Preparation of Te鄄based compound target for amorphous semiconductor thin film PAN Xing鄄hao, CHU Mao鄄you 苣 , WANG Xing鄄ming, LIU Yu鄄yang, BAI Xue, GUI Tao, ZHANG Zhao Rare Metals and Metallurgy Materials Research Institute, General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals, Beijing 100088, China 苣Corresponding author, E鄄mail: chumaoyou@ 163. com ABSTRACT When a certain threshold switching voltage is applied to a semiconductor of Te鄄based compound in a high鄄impedance amorphous state, the semiconductor transits into a low鄄resistance state, and the resistance difference is more than five orders of magni鄄 tude. Therefore, TeAsGeSi material can be prepared as a threshold switch and used in the form of a thin film in a phase鄄change memo鄄 ry and other elements to improve the performance of such elements. There are few studies on the preparation of such targets, and the key technologies have been monopolized. In this study, the powder difference was taken as the basis to study the target material prepa鄄 ration process of this material in order to prepare a target with high density and uniform composition. Two kinds of TeAsGeSi alloy pow鄄 ders were prepared by vacuum melting under different cooling conditions: quenching and slow cooling. The X鄄ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that the powder prepared by rapid cooling is amorphous, while the powder prepared by slow cooling process is crystal鄄 line, and the main crystal phase is As2GeTe4 . The differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry (DSC鄄鄄TG) curves of the two powders shows that the powders begin to lose weight quickly at 400 益 , and the slowly cooled powder melts at 350 益 . As a result, the sintering temperature must not exceed 340 益 . The TeAsGeSi alloy target was prepared by vacuum hot pressing. The two powders were incubated at 340 益 for 2 h and 20 MPa to prepare two targets. The target material prepared by the slowly cooled powder has a high den鄄 sity of 5郾 46 g·cm - 3 , reaching 99郾 5% of the theoretical density. The morphological characterization shows that the target has a smooth surface with few holes and uniform distribution of elements, and this target can produce high鄄performance thin films. KEY WORDS chalcogenide amorphous; powder; target; TeAsGeSi; densification 非晶态半导体,是一种在结构上,原子、分子或 离子配位处于无规则状态的,具有长程位置无序,短
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