The TE Betracht in the support-verb-construction in Betracht ZIEHEN is the second most frequent option with 74%(37 occurrences) of the analysed concordance lines 31-E) We should at least consider policy changes. <sub obj (1-G) Wir sollten einen Richtungswechsel zumindest in Betracht ziehen (Wir ziehen einen Richtungswechsel in Betracht )<sub obj> It is notable that the preferred German TEs of CoNSIDER with the valency sentence pattern <sub obj> are verbs or support-verb-constructions that also occur with the alency sentence pattern<sub obj. The only exception is the verb NACHDENKEN which generally occurs with a prepositional complement(Institut fur Deutsche Sprache) (2-E) There are a lot of things people could consider, but. <sub obi> (32-G) Es gibt vieles, uber das man nachdenken sollte, aber... <sub prp> Thus, the choice of NACHDENKEN requires a change in the valency sentence pattem between the English and the german sentence structure 3.2 The pattern <sub obj-thap Generally, the English valency pattern <sub vb-thap for CoNSIDER iS used to express or report someone's opinion. The most frequent TEs also occur with the corresponding dass-clause in object position in German. Most frequently, the correspond ing German expressions are support-verb constructions, such as ' der Ansicht Meinung Auffassung SEIN' as shown in example sentence 33, or verbs, for example MEINEN, beDEnkEN FINDEN or GLAUBEN exemplified in sentence 34 (3-E) On the other hand, the rapporteur considers that neither Amendment No 10 nor Amendment No ll belong in a regulation about help with marketing. <sub obj-that (33-G) Andererseits ist der berichterstatter der Ansicht, daB weder Anderungsantrag 10 noch Anderungsantrag 11 in eine Verordnung uber Beihilfen zur Vermarktung gehoren. <sub obj-that 34-E) We consider that international law must be respected. <sub obj-that (34-G) Wir meinen, dass das volkerrecht respektiert werden muss. <sub obj- thac There are two exceptions to the observed regularity. The first is the verb HALTEN, which takes a trivalent valency sentence pattern, either with a nominal complement <sub obj nom> or an adjectival complement <sub obj adj> as shown in example sentences 35 d36 35-E) We considered that increasing confidence was one of the central taskS. <sub obj-thap (35-G) Wir hielten eine Erhohung des Sicherheitsgefuhls fur eine zentrale Aufgabe. <sub obj (36-E) The Commission considers that a less systematic spot-check system sub obj-thh 36-G) Die Kommission halt ein weniger systematisches Stichprobenkontrollsystem fur angemessen. <sub obj adj>16 The TE ‘Betracht’ in the support-verb-construction ‘in Betracht ZIEHEN’ is the second most frequent option with 74% (37 occurrences) of the analysed concordance lines: (31-E) We should at least consider policy changes. <sub obj> (31-G) Wir sollten einen Richtungswechsel zumindest in Betracht ziehen. (Wir ziehen einen Richtungswechsel in Betracht.) <sub obj> It is notable that the preferred German TEs of CONSIDER with the valency sentence pattern <sub obj> are verbs or support-verb-constructions that also occur with the valency sentence pattern <sub obj>. The only exception is the verb NACHDENKENwhich generally occurs with a prepositional complement (Institut für Deutsche Sprache): (32-E) There are a lot of things people could consider, but ... <sub obj> (32-G) Es gibt vieles, über das man nachdenken sollte, aber ... <sub prp> Thus, the choice of NACHDENKEN requires a change in the valency sentence pattern between the English and the German sentence structure. 3.2 The pattern <sub obj-that> Generally, the English valency pattern <sub vb-that> for CONSIDER is used to express or report someone’s opinion. The most frequent TEs also occur with the corresponding dass-clause in object position in German. Most frequently, the corresponding German expressions are support-verb constructions, such as ‘der Ansicht / Meinung / Auffassung SEIN’ as shown in example sentence 33, or verbs, for example MEINEN, BEDENKEN, FINDEN or GLAUBEN, exemplified in sentence 34. (33-E) On the other hand, the rapporteur considers that neither Amendment No 10 nor Amendment No 11 belong in a regulation about help with marketing. <sub obj-that> (33-G) Andererseits ist der Berichterstatter der Ansicht, daß weder Änderungsantrag 10 noch Änderungsantrag 11 in eine Verordnung über Beihilfen zur Vermarktung gehören. <sub obj-that> (34-E) We consider that international law must be respected. <sub obj-that> (34-G) Wir meinen, dass das Völkerrecht respektiert werden muss. <sub objthat> There are two exceptions to the observed regularity. The first is the verb HALTEN, which takes a trivalent valency sentence pattern, either with a nominal complement <sub obj nom> or an adjectival complement <sub obj adj> as shown in example sentences 35 and 36. (35-E) We considered that increasing confidence was one of the central tasks.<sub obj-that> (35-G) Wir hielten eine Erhöhung des Sicherheitsgefühls für eine zentrale Aufgabe. <sub obj nom> (36-E) The Commission considers that a less systematic spot-check system is adequate. <sub obj-that> (36-G) Die Kommission hält ein weniger systematisches Stichprobenkontrollsystem für angemessen. <sub obj adj>