In the case of HALTEN the correspond ing meaning expression for CONSIDER is actually the multi-word verb HALTEN FUR, which is in this investigation treated as a meaning unit.The second exception is the translation as an adjunct, either"PRONOUN Erachtens PRONOUN Meinung nach'or"PRONOUN Ansicht nach as shown in examples 37 and (37-E) I consider that the european Union should pay more attention to these problems. CONSIDER <sub obj-that 37-G) Die Europaeische Union sollte meines Erachtens diesen Problemen mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken. SChENKEN <sub dat acc> (38-E) We consider that the Trakatellis report is heading in such a direction CONSIDER <Sub obj-thaP 38-G) Der Bericht Trakatellis geht unserer Meinung nach in eine solche Richtung GEHEN <sub prp> When CONSIDER with the sentence pattern <sub obj- thap is translated as an adjunct, the verb of the that-clause becomes the main verb in the corresponding German sentence. Thus, PAY in 37 becomes the main verb SChENKEN with the valency sentence pattern <sub dat acc>, and HEad in 38 with the translation of GEHEN and its pattern <sub prps. 3.3 The pattern <sub obj-wh> The TEs for CONSIDER followed by a wh-clause in object position also frequently occur with a wh-clause in German, as in example 39 We must consider how we are to react to this situation. <sub obj- wh> (9-G) Wir werden uns uberlegen mussen, wie wir darauf reagieren. <sub obj- It is notable that verbs, very rarely support-verb-constructions and never adjuncts, occur as German correspondences, and that the pattern <sub obj-wh> is retained in the translations 3.4 The pattern <sub obj-ing> There is no d irect grammatical alent in german to the english non-finite ing- lause. The most frequent TEs are the nouns Erwagung and" Betracht in the support verb-constructions in Erwagung ZIEHEN'or ' in Betracht ZIEHEN and the verb ERWAGEN (examples 40 and 41) (40-E) I think you are considering introducing a safeguard clause. <sub obj (40-G) Sie ziehen die Einfuhrung einer Schutzklausel in Betracht. <sub (41-E) The Commission will consider setting up a monitoring unit. <sub obj-in (41-G) Die Kommission erwagt die Einrichtung einer Forschungsstelle <sub obj> As examples 40 and 4 1 show, the ing-form in object position is generally translated as a noun phrase(introducing= Einfuhrung, setting up= Einrichtung). Therefore it is not17 In the case of HALTEN the corresponding meaning expression for CONSIDER is actually the multi-word verb HALTEN FÜR, which is in this investigation treated as a meaning unit. The second exception is the translation as an adjunct, either ‘PRONOUN Erachtens’, ‘PRONOUN Meinung nach’ or ‘PRONOUN Ansicht nach’ as shown in examples 37 and 38. (37-E) I consider that the European Union should pay more attention to these problems. CONSIDER <sub obj-that> (37-G) Die Europaeische Union sollte meines Erachtens diesen Problemen mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken. SCHENKEN <sub dat acc> (38-E) We consider that the Trakatellis report is heading in such a direction. CONSIDER <sub obj-that> (38-G) Der Bericht Trakatellis geht unserer Meinung nach in eine solche Richtung. GEHEN <sub prp> When CONSIDER with the sentence pattern <sub obj-that> is translated as an adjunct, the verb of the that-clause becomes the main verb in the corresponding German sentence. Thus, PAY in 37 becomes the main verb SCHENKEN with the valency sentence pattern <sub dat acc>, and HEADin 38 with the translation of GEHENand its pattern <sub prp>. 3.3 The pattern <sub obj-wh> The TEs for CONSIDER followed by a wh-clause in object position also frequently occur with a wh-clause in German, as in example 39. (39-E) We must consider how we are to react to this situation. <sub obj-wh> (39-G) Wir werden uns überlegen müssen, wie wir darauf reagieren. <sub obj-w> It is notable that verbs, very rarely support-verb-constructions and never adjuncts, occur as German correspondences, and that the pattern <sub obj-wh> is retained in the translations. 3.4 The pattern <sub obj-ing> There is no direct grammatical equivalent in German to the English non-finite ingclause. The most frequent TEs are the nouns ‘Erwägung’ and ‘Betracht’ in the supportverb-constructions ‘in Erwägung ZIEHEN’ or ‘in Betracht ZIEHEN’ and the verb ERWÄGEN (examples 40 and 41). (40-E) I think you are considering introducing a safeguard clause. <sub objing> (40-G) Sie ziehen die Einführung einer Schutzklausel in Betracht. <sub obj> (41-E) The Commission will consider setting up a monitoring unit. <sub obj-ing> (41-G) Die Kommission erwägt die Einrichtung einer Forschungsstelle. <sub obj> As examples 40 and 41 show, the ing-form in object position is generally translated as a noun phrase (introducing = Einführung, setting up = Einrichtung). Therefore it is not