第八章Multiple--Dosage Regimens 1.教学目标 (1)Define drug accumulation,accumulation index and drug accumulation tu. (2)Explain the principle ofsuperposition and itsassumptions in multiple-doseregimens. (3)Calculate the steady-state Cmand Cain after multiple IV bolusdosing of drugs,k and Vo ofaminoglycosides in multiple-dose regimens. 2.教学重难点 The definition of drug accumulation and evaluate related pharmacokinetic parameters. 3.教学内容 Drug accumulation,repetitive intravenous injections,intermittent intravenous infusion,estimation of k and Vo of aminoglycosides in clinical situations,multiple-oral-dose regimen,loading dose,dosage regimen schedules. 4.教学方法 (1)Teaching method:Relevant concepts and theoretical framework,combined with typical drug examples. (2)Discussion method:Flipped classroom was encouraged. 5.教学评价 Take quick summary test,discuss with selected learning questions and frequently asked questions. 第九章Nonl inear Pharmacokinetics 1.教学目标 (1)Describe the differences betweenlinear pharmacokinetics andnonlinear pharmacokinetics.第八章 Multiple-Dosage Regimens 1.教学目标 (1) Define drug accumulation, accumulation index and drug accumulation t1/2. (2) Explain the principle ofsuperposition and itsassumptions in multiple-doseregimens. (3) Calculate the steady-state Cmaxand Cmin after multiple IV bolusdosing of drugs, k and VD ofaminoglycosides in multiple-dose regimens. 2.教学重难点 The definition of drug accumulation and evaluate related pharmacokinetic parameters. 3.教学内容 Drug accumulation, repetitive intravenous injections, intermittent intravenous infusion, estimation of k and VD of aminoglycosides in clinical situations, multiple-oral-dose regimen, loading dose, dosage regimen schedules. 4.教学方法 (1) Teaching method: Relevant concepts and theoretical framework, combined with typical drug examples. (2) Discussion method: Flipped classroom was encouraged. 5.教学评价 Take quick summary test, discuss with selected learning questions and frequently asked questions. 第九章 Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics 1.教学目标 (1) Describe the differences betweenlinear pharmacokinetics andnonlinear pharmacokinetics
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