136· 南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2009年 和和宁静,而且充分显示出自然景物以及人与自然之间关系秦时代的“老庄哲学”,吸收了魏晋哲学的最新研究成果,并 的美妙与和谐,而这正是蕴含着人生意义和生命价值的美好结合自己的人生体悟发展而来。在这个意义上,可以说它是 人生的真谛 魏晋时代普遍存在的对于“道家之旨的再度阐扬与重新发 综上所述,可以知道陶渊明是在儒家思想之外,从另一现”在人生哲学领域的具体表现(30-331页)。 个角度探索人生理想,寻求人生的意义和生命价值,以解决参考文献 人与本体沟通,为人生提供终极意义,认为:生命的意义和价[订]冯友兰人生哲学[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 值不在于是否取得功名成就,而在于复归本性,顺应自然,无 拘无束地生活在与自然的融合中获得形而上的慰霜,达到[2]钦立.陶渊明集[M].北京:中华书局,1979 精神自由和心灵超越,求得人生之最大满足和幸福。这样的[3]袁行霈陶渊明集笺注[M].北京:中华书局,2003 人生才能充分体现人生意义和生命价值,因而也才是理想的[4]晋桓宣堿碑[M]∥/艺文类聚:卷50.职官部:6《太守)上 美好人生。这就是说:生命的支撑点,也就是人生的终极寄 海:上海古籍出版社,1965 托主要不是在生命之外的世界,而在生命自身之内的精神追[5]方东树昭昧詹言M],北京:人民文学出版社191 求,因此,必须为心灵和精神找到真正的归宿和寄托 [6]葛兆光,中国思想史:第1卷[M]上海:复旦大学出版 陶渊明人生哲学的思想性质显然属于道家:它渊源于先 社,2001 Tao Yuanming,s Poem Composition and His Philosophy of life ZHAO Pei-li Research Institute of Literature, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Tianjin 300191, China) Abstract: The basic reason why Tao Yuanming explored the philosophy of life with enthusiasm is that he was anxious about the limitation of life and pursued the meaning and value of life. he believed that life 's meaning and value did not depend on whether one achieved success and won recognition, but on complying with the nature and returning to the nature, to acquire metaphysical comfort in the harmony of the nature and get the mental freedom The combination of retiring from political life and cultivation is indeed an ideal life style to achieve From revealing Tao Yuanmings philosophy of life, holding its specific intension and essential character, we can recognize him and his works. All these can help us deepen the research on Tao Yuanming Key words: Tao Yuanming; philosophy of life; life style; the meaning of life; the value of life (责任编辑周声柱) (上接第94页) Reflections on a New Pattern of Social Insurance for the aged in Rural Areas WANG Zhang-hua School of Politics and Law, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China; Research Institute of Population, East China Normal University Shanghai 200062, China) Abstract: Due to the quickening aging of the rural population, a serious impoverishment of the elder popula tion, the weakening function of family providing for the aged, design defects in former social insurance system for the rural aged, it is imperative to establish a new type of social insurance system for the aged in rural areas. It is held that a new type of social insurance for the rural aged adopted by the current pilot projects is in line with the values of social insurance which conforms to the development of economy and society in our country. It's also effective and sustainable in meeting the basic needs of peoples life. However, some problems still exist: a lack of uniform guid- ning methods for the paying base. The central government should as soon as possible work out the guidance on a new type of social insurance system for the aged in rural areas adopted by the current pilot projects. Clear allocation of responsibilities on governments at all levels, standard determining methods for the paying base, sound legislation and reinforced implementation of policies at the basic level are all expected Key words: rural areas; a new type of social insurance for the rural aged; social security (责任编輯刘斌)· l36· 南 昌大学学报 (人文社会科学版) 2009年 和和宁静,而且充分显示 出 自然景物以及人 与 自然之间关系 的美妙与和谐,而这正是蕴含着人生意义和生命价值的美好 人生的真谛。 综上所述 ,可以知道 陶渊明是 在儒家思 想之外 ,从 另一 个角度探索人生理想 ,寻求人生的意义和生命价值 ,以解决 人与本体沟通,为人生提供终极意义,认为:生命的意义和价 值不在于是否取得功名成就,而在于复归本性,顺应 自然,无 拘无束地生活,在与 自然的融合中获得形而上的慰藉,达到 精神 自由和心灵超越 ,求得人生之最大 满足和幸福。这样 的 人生才能充分体现人生意义和生命价值,因而也才是理想的 美好人生。这就是说:生命的支撑点,也就是人生的终极寄 托主要不是在生命之外 的世界 ,而在生命 自身之 内的精神追 求,因此,必须为心灵和精神找到真正的归宿和寄托。 陶渊明人生哲学的思想性 质显然 属于道家 :它渊源于先 秦时代的“老庄哲学”,吸收了魏晋哲学的最新研究成果,并 结合自己的人生体悟发展而来。在这个意义上,可以说它是 魏晋时代普遍 存在 的对 于“道 家之 旨的再度 阐扬 与重 新发 现”在人生哲学领域 的具体表现 (330—331页)。 参考文献: [1]冯友兰.人生哲学[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2005. [2]逯钦立.陶渊明集[M].北京:中华书局,1979. [3]袁行 霈.陶渊明集笺注[M].北京 :中华书局 ,2003. [4]晋桓宣城碑[M]//艺文类聚:卷 50.职官部:6<太守》.上 海 :上海 古籍 出版社 ,1965. [5]方东树.昭昧詹言[M].北京:人民文学出版社。1961. [6]葛兆光.中国思想史:第 1卷[M].上海:复旦大学出版 社 .2001. Tao Yuanming’sPoem Com position and HisPhilosophy ofLife ZHA0 Pei—lin (ResearchInstituteofLiterature,TianjinAcademyofSocialSciences,Tianjin300191,China) Abstract:Thebasic reason why TaoYuanmingexplored thephilosophyoflifewith enthusiasm isthathewas anxiousaboutthe limitation oflifeandpursued themeaningand valueoflife.He believed thatlife’smeaningan d valuedid notdependon whetheroneachieved successand won recognition,buton complying with thenatureand returningtothenature,toacquiremetaphysical comfortin the harmony ofthe nature and getthe mental freedom . Th ecombinationofretiringfrom politicallifeand cultivation isindeed an ideal lifestyletoachieve.From revealing TaoYuanming’sphilosophyoflife,holdingitsspecificintensionandessential character,wecan recognizehim an d hisworks.Allthesecan help usdeepen theresearch on TaoYuanming. Key words:TaoYuanming;philosophyoflife;lifestyle;themeaningoflife;thevalueoflife (责任编辑 周声柱 ) (t-接第 94页) Reflectionson a New Pattern ofSocialIns urancefortheAged in RuralAreas W ANG Zhang—-hua (SchoolofPoliticsandLaw,JiangxiNormal University。Nanchang330022,China; ResearchInstituteofPopulation,EastChinaNormalUniversity,Shanghai200062,China-) Abstra ct:Duetothe quickening aging ofthe rural population,a seriousimpoverishmentofthe elderpopulation,theweakeningfunction offamilyprovidingfortheaged,design defectsinformersocialinsurancesystem forthe ruralaged,itisimperativetoestablish anew type ofsocialinsurance system fortheaged in ruralalias .Itisheld thatanewtypeofsocial insurancefortheruralagedadoptedbythecurrentpilotprojectsisinlinewiththevalues ofsocialinsurancewhichconformstothedevelopmentofeconomyandsocietyinourcountry.It’salso efectivean d sustainableinmeetingthebasicneedsofpeople’slife.However,someproblemsstillexist:alackofuniform guidaliceinthepilotprojects,unclear allocationofresponsibilitiesongovernmentsatalllevels,non—standarddetermi— ningmethodsforthepayingbase.Thecentral governmentshouldassoonaspossibleworkouttheguidanceonanew typeofsocial insurancesystem fortheagedinrural areasadoptedbythecurentpilotprojeets.Clearallocationof responsibilitiesongovernmentsatalllevels,standarddeterm iningmethodsforthepayingbase,soundlegislationand reinforced implementationofpoliciesatthebasiclevelare allexpected. Key words:rural areas;anew typeofsocial insuranceforthe rural aged;socialsecurity (责任编辑 刘雷斌 )