118.Almost everyone fails the driver's test on the first try. a.at passing b.to have passed d。pas earlier so that you can get to class on time. a to start to ge un b.started getting up c.start getting up d.starting to get up 120.After he had researched and his paper,he found some additional material that he should have included. a.wrote itten d written 121.We are going to Florida as soon as taking our final exams. a.we finish b.we'll finish roing binga house in Toky,bute atto find ou a.hov at the 、the taxes there d.what are the taxes 123.Each time Susan tried to argue with her husband she her eyes out. a.was ended to cry b.ended up crying na r next-door neighbours for weeks.They somewhere for holiday sho ave h need ha c.ought to have gone d.must have gone 125.He is fully aware that if the new company will have to close down sooner or later. a.managed not proper b.not properly managing er ma nding near the car?I her somewhere before." a.remember to se b.remember to having seen c.remember having been seen d.remember seeing 127.You'd better have your car immediately,or you will be late for the professor's lecture. d repaired 18.The surgeon advised that Mr.Malan an operation right away so as to save his life. a.had b.would have c.have d.was going to have 129. a minor illness can lead to a total loss of eyesight. a.If leaving it untreated118. Almost everyone fails _ the driver’s test on the first try. a. at passing b. to have passed c. to pass d. on passing 119. I think that you had better _ earlier so that you can get to class on time. a. to start to get up b. started getting up c. start getting up d. starting to get up 120. After he had researched and _ his paper, he found some additional material that he should have included. a. wrote b. writing c. have written d. written 121. We are going to Florida as soon as _ taking our final exams. a. we finish b. we’ll finish c. we finished d. we’d finish 122. We are considering buying a house in Tokyo, but we want to find out _. a. how the taxes are b. what the taxes are c. the taxes there d. what are the taxes 123. Each time Susan tried to argue with her husband she _ her eyes out. a. was ended to cry b. ended up crying c. would end up to cry d. would be ended crying 124. We have not seen our next-door neighbours for weeks. They _ somewhere for holiday. a. should have gone b. need have gone c. ought to have gone d. must have gone 125.He is fully aware that if _ , the new company will have to close down sooner or later. a. managed not proper b. not properly managing c. no proper management d. not properly managed 126. "Who is the girl standing near the car? I _ her somewhere before." a. remember to see b. remember to having seen c. remember having been seen d. remember seeing 127. You’d better have your car _ immediately, or you will be late for the professor’s lecture. a. repairing b. repaired c. to be repaired d. repair 128. The surgeon advised that Mr. Malan _ an operation right away so as to save his life. a. had b. would have c. have d. was going to have 129. _, a minor illness can lead to a total loss of eyesight. a. If leaving it untreated
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