The new airport will be completed by the end of this year. 新机场年底就会竣工。 The meeting is being held in ShenZhen. 那个会议正在深圳召开。 2被动语态的用法 一般在下列几种情况下使用被动语态 g不a行:知 ken in many countries 英语在许多国家使用。 2)强调动作的对象 This bridge was built last year. 这座桥是去年建的。 3)在科技文章中 被动语态在科技文章中使用普遍,因为科技文章一般只强调对客观事物的叙述和描述,而较少涉及 动作的执行者。 练习: 111.His s sudden arrival that night must have been very because most people at the party b.surpris c surprised surprised d.surprising.surprising 112.She put on the dress once again and wondered if she could have the sleeves_ a.shortening b.be sho d.shorte 113.It's pretty late.There is no point _for him any longer a in waiting b.that we will wait C.to wait d.we are waiting 14 We want to have the money we paid for our tickets nded d refund 115.She always her family should do everything for her. a.took for granted b.took it for grant that c.took that for grant oyoeesohgietehouse during the summer when they would be away for o aay nted c.be repainting d.to be repainted 117.They were fully aware that, _things would get worse. a.if not properly handled b.if no properly handled ing properly The new airport will be completed by the end of this year. 新机场年底就会竣工。 The meeting is being held in ShenZhen. 那个会议正在深圳召开。 2·被动语态的用法 一般在下列几种情况下使用被动语态。 1) 不知道或不必说出动作的执行者。例如: English is spoken in many countries. 英语在许多国家使用。 2) 强调动作的对象 This bridge was built last year. 这座桥是去年建的。 3) 在科技文章中 被动语态在科技文章中使用普遍,因为科技文章一般只强调对客观事物的叙述和描述,而较少涉及 动作的执行者。 练习: 111. His sudden arrival that night must have been very _ because most people at the party looked rather _. a. surprised . surprising b. surprising . surprised c. surprised . surprised d. surprising . surprising 112. She put on the dress once again and wondered if she could have the sleeves _. a. shortening b. be shortened c. shorten d. shortened 113. It’s pretty late. There is no point _ for him any longer. a. in waiting b. that we will wait c. to wait d. we are waiting 114. We want to have the money we paid for our tickets _. a. refunding b. to be refunded c. refunded d. refund 115. She always _ her family should do everything for her. a. took for granted b. took it for grant that c. took that for grant d. took it for granted that 116. They decided to have the house _ during the summer when they would be away for holiday. a. repainted b. repaint c. be repainting d. to be repainted 117. They were fully aware that, _, things would get worse. a. if not properly handled b. if no properly handled c. if no handling properly d. if not handle properly
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