H ISTORICAL REVIEW No 4, 2008( Serial No 107) Edited under the ausp ices of the Institute of H isto Shanghai A cademy of Social Sciences abstract A world of Printing: Books, Printing Culture and soc ie ty i la te m per il China written by Tobi Meyer Fong( U. S), tran sh ted by L Iu Zong tig, d by Ma zha This paper mainly discusses the history of books about late mperial China in the academ ic circles ofA- merica and Japan and invo lves some academ ic fruits of scho lars in both main land of China and Tawan More and more re searches have diverted their attenton b problem s in social and cultural field The paper als stresses the poblem of"p lace in late mperial China, the concept of which invo lves connotations both in space and soc ial structure Books of Physiology Published i La te Qig D yna sty and The r readers ZHANG Zhong m in There used t be a bt of books about physiological sanitation in the cultural market of late Q ing dynasty which disp layed the intellec tual elites eforts in constructing sanitation modemity and establishing a na. tonal state This paper attemp ts b solve such p ob lem s as the publish ing of these books and how peop le at that tme read and used them From Publico pi ion to Action: Pek ing w om en Newspaper and Its Soc il attitude i La te Qi ZHAN XHo ta i This paper probes into the influence of Pek ing Wamen Newspaper in a specific histrical space-tme through analyzing connotations of wamen s comments in that newspaper The newspaper adop ted an open but also conservative attitude both in public izing informaton and in varous soc ial activities, which made it popular among all walks of life in Beijing at that tme The ga ther ig of scholars and self- organ ia tion i Chinese academ ic cirele: focusing on the so- ciety of Thought and tmes i the 1940s HE Fang yu This paper rep roduces the gathering process of the soc iety of Thought and Tmes though reconstructing and analyzing relevant histrical facts The society expanded its academ ic space by setting up magazines, editing and translating westem masterp ieces, inviting famous scho lars, etc All these eforts made the so- ciety very influential in the 1940s Chong Hou and D iplomacy in La te Qig D ynasty en ze W ith many executive tilts, Chong Hou was a very mportant figure in the dp omatic circles of late Qing lynasty, yet he was little mentoned in the histrical records of that period This paperwill p resent its own op inion of Chong Hou, inc lud ing the things he has done, comments of the later generatins upon hm, his ups and downs as a high- rank ing official in late Q ing dynasty The Qifen, Conferred T itle and Y ear of Dea th of Y ig Han YUAN Xie ming This paper distinguishes the Q ifen accord ing b the historical data that was recorded by the m in istry of Per sonnel in Q ing dynasty It also presents its own op inion on the different ideas about Y ing Hans conferred 201994-2008ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouseAllrightsreservedhttp://nww.cnki.ner·189 · HISTO RICAL REVIEW No. 4, 2008 ( Serial No. 107) Edited under the Ausp ices of the Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Abstract A W orld of Pr inting: Books, Pr inting Culture and Soc iety in La te Im per ia l China W r itten by Tobie M eyer Fong( U. S. ) , transla ted by L IU Zongˉling, JU Be iˉping and proofread by M A Zhao This paper mainly discusses the history of books about late imperial China in the academ ic circles of A2 merica and Japan and involves some academ ic fruits of scholars in both mainland of China and Taiwan. More and more researches have diverted their attention to p roblem s in social and cultural field. The paper also stresses the p roblem of“p lace”in late imperial China, the concep t of which involves connotations both in space and social structure. Books of Physiology Published in La te Qing D yna sty and The ir Readers ZHANG Zhongˉm in There used to be a lot of books about physiological sanitation in the cultural market of late Q ing dynasty, which disp layed the intellectual elites’efforts in constructing sanitation modernity and establishing a na2 tional state. This paper attemp ts to solve such p roblem s as the publishing of these books and how peop le at that time read and used them. From Public Opin ion to Action: Peking W om en Newspaper and Its Soc ia l A ttitude in La te Qing D yna sty ZHAN X iaoˉba i This paper p robes into the influence of Peking Women Newspaper in a specific historical space - time through analyzing connotations of women’s comments in that newspaper. The newspaper adop ted an open but also conservative attitude both in publicizing information and in various social activities, which made it popular among all walks of life in Beijing at that time. The Ga ther ing of Scholars and Self - organiza tion in Chinese Academ ic C ircle: focusing on the so2 c iety of Thought and Tim es in the 1940 s HE Fangˉyu This paper rep roduces the gathering p rocess of the society of Thought and Times through reconstructing and analyzing relevant historical facts. The society expanded its academ ic space by setting up magazines, editing and translating western masterp ieces, inviting famous scholars, etc. A ll these effortsmade the so2 ciety very influential in the 1940 s. Chong Hou and D iplomacy in La te Q ing D yna sty TANG Renˉze W ith many executive tiltes, Chong Hou was a very important figure in the dip lomatic circles of late Q ing dynasty, yet he was little mentioned in the historical records of that period. This paperwill p resent its own op inion of Chong Hou, including the things he has done, comments of the later generations upon him, his up s and downs as a high - ranking official in late Q ing dynasty. The Qifen, Conferred Title and Y ear of D ea th of Y ing Han Y UAN X ieˉm ing This paper distinguishes the Q ifen according to the historical data thatwas recorded by theM inistry of Per2 sonnel in Q ing dynasty. It also p resents its own op inion on the different ideas about Ying Han’s conferred Abstract © 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
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