《国际人力资源管理》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:18010262 课程名称:国际人力资源管理 英文名称: Intemational Human Resources Management 课程类别:专业必修课 学 时:32 学分:2 适用对象:人力资源管理、国际商务等专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程: 管理学 二、课程简介 中文简介:互联网已然在全球范围内如火如茶地发展,已经影响到了整个社会的 工作和生活方式。与此同时,中国的发展也进入“从高速增长转为中高速增长”,“经济 结构不断优化升级”、“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动的经济“新常态”。这些因 素都给国际企业管理,尤其是国际企业人力资源管理带来了新的问题和挑战,同时也 为其提供了新的发展机遇。本课程侧重在以下几个方面进行研究和探讨:第一,世界 各国人力资源的管理开发。第二,国际人力资源管理的组织基础。第三,国际人力资 源管理的方法论基础。第四,跨国企业人力资源管理的问题。 Abstract:The Intemet has developed in full swing on a global scale and has affected the work and lifestyle of the entire society.At the same time,China's development has also entered the economic "new normal"of "shifting from high-speed growth to medium-high-speed growth","continuous optimization and upgrading of economic structure",and "shifting from factor-driven and investment-driven to innovation-driven" These factors have brought new problems and challenges to the management of intemational enterprises,especially the human resource management of intemational enterprises,and also provided them with new development opportunities.This course focuses on the following aspects of research and discussion:First,the management and development of human resources in countries around the world.Second,the organizational foundation of intemnational human resource management.Third,the methodological basis of international human resource management.Fourth.the issue of human resource management in multinational corporations1 《国际人力资源管理》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码: 18010262 课程名称: 国际人力资源管理 英文名称: International Human Resources Management 课程类别: 专业必修课 学 时: 32 学 分: 2 适用对象: 人力资源管理、国际商务等专业 考核方式: 考试 先修课程: 管理学 二、课程简介 中文简介:互联网已然在全球范围内如火如荼地发展,已经影响到了整个社会的 工作和生活方式。与此同时,中国的发展也进入“从高速增长转为中高速增长”,“经济 结构不断优化升级”、“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动”的经济“新常态”。这些因 素都给国际企业管理,尤其是国际企业人力资源管理带来了新的问题和挑战,同时也 为其提供了新的发展机遇。本课程侧重在以下几个方面进行研究和探讨:第一,世界 各国人力资源的管理开发。第二,国际人力资源管理的组织基础。第三,国际人力资 源管理的方法论基础。第四,跨国企业人力资源管理的问题。 Abstract: The Internet has developed in full swing on a global scale and has affected the work and lifestyle of the entire society. At the same time, China's development has also entered the economic "new normal" of "shifting from high-speed growth to medium-high-speed growth", "continuous optimization and upgrading of economic structure", and "shifting from factor-driven and investment-driven to innovation-driven". These factors have brought new problems and challenges to the management of international enterprises, especially the human resource management of international enterprises, and also provided them with new development opportunities. This course focuses on the following aspects of research and discussion: First, the management and development of human resources in countries around the world. Second, the organizational foundation of international human resource management. Third, the methodological basis of international human resource management. Fourth, the issue of human resource management in multinational corporations