人教版新目标英语九年级Unit2 Section A(la2d)导学案(无答案) (五)处理2d。 1.快速阅读对话,回答《自主学习指导课程》P14习题Ⅲ中的问题。 2.仔细阅读对话,完成《自主学习指导课程》P50习题Ⅳ中的问题。 3.播放录音,跟读,模仿对话中的语音、语调,然后自由朗读。 4.对话表演 三、语言知识 (1) in two weeks,两周后,in+一段时间,表示在一段时间以后,常和一般将来时连用。划 线提问用 how soon(多久以后) tul: -How soon will he be back? -He ll be back in two weeks (2) be similar to意为 如: Your bike mine (3) throw.t.向….扔去 如: Stop throwing stones at that dog!别再向那条狗扔石子了! 四、达标检测 1. She is new here. She is a (strange)to everyone 2. January is cold) month of a year here 3. The Spring Festival is a time for (clean) and washing away bad things 4 Last week I visited (relative) 5. I think if you eat four meals a day for about two months, you' ll put on four 6. Bill thinks that the races are not interesting(watch) 7. Antonio didnt know how (use)chopsticks 8. I loved the races, but it was a little (crowd 9.他的妈妈将在两个月后回来 His mother will be back 10. I wonder if it's similar the festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Prov Ince B. at 11. This is the time of the Thai New Year. People go on the streets water at each othe A throw B. to thre D thrown 12.-.The doctor told me not to eat too much but I find it difficult The doctor is right you eat you will be A. The less: the healthier. B. The less the more healthier C. The more: the healthier D. The more: the more healthier 2/2人教版新目标英语九年级 Unit2Section A(1a-2d)导学案(无答案) 2 / 2 (五)处理 2d。 1. 快速阅读对话,回答《自主学习指导课程》P14 习题Ⅲ中的问题。 2. 仔细阅读对话,完成《自主学习指导课程》P50 习题Ⅳ中的问题。 3. 播放录音,跟读,模仿对话中的语音、语调,然后自由朗读。 4. 对话表演。 三、语言知识 (1) in two weeks,两周后,in + 一段时间,表示在一段时间以后,常和一般将来时连用。划 线提问用 how soon(多久以后). 如:—How soon will he be back? —He'll be back in two weeks. (2) be similar to 意为“___________” 如:Your bike_____________________ mine. (3) throw...at...向 ... 扔去 如:Stop throwing stones at that dog! 别再向那条狗扔石子了! 四、达标检测 1. She is new here. She is a ____________(strange) to everyone. 2. January is ___________(cold) month of a year here. 3. The Spring Festival is a time for___________(clean) and washing away bad things. 4. Last week I visited my _______ (relative). 5. I think if you eat four meals a day for about two months, you’ll put on four ______(pound). 6. Bill thinks that the races are not interesting _____(watch). 7. Antonio didn’t know how _____ (use) chopsticks. 8. I loved the races, but it was a little ______(crowd). 9. 他的妈妈将在两个月后回来。 His mother will be back ______ ______ _______. 10. I wonder if it’s similar _____ the festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. A. for B. at C. in D. to 11. This is the time of the Thai New Year. People go on the streets _____ water at each other. A. throw B. to throw C. throwing D. thrown 12.--The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult. --The doctor is right. ____ you eat, _____ you will be. A. The less; the healthier, B. The less; the more healthier C. The more; the healthier D. The more; the more healthier
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