Chapter Five Ferromagnetism Two Problem 10 ChapterAntiferromagnetis Two Problem Five m Chapter Broken symmetry: Heisenberg and Two Six Problem Ising models Phase 12 Chapter transitions Two Problem Six Excitations: Domains The free electron 13 Chapter model:Pauli Two Problem Seven paramagnetism Chapter Landau 14 Seven Two Problem RKKY interactions 15 Chapter Eight Spin glasses Problem Chapter Superparamagnetis Two Problem Eight VI.Textbook and References Textbooks:Stephen Blundell,Magnetism in Condensed Matter,Oxford University Press,2001 References: 1.B.I.Bleaney and B.Bleaney,Electricity and Magnetism,OUP 1989 contains a comprehensive treatment of electromagnetism 2.A.I.Rae,Introduction to Quantum Mechanics,IOP Publishing 1992 is a clear exposition of Quantum Mechanics at an introductory level. 3.A good account of quantum angular mome um can be found in Chapters 1-3 of volume 3 of the Feynman lectures in Physics,R.P.Feynman,Addison-Wesley 1975.9 Chapter Five Ferromagnetism Two Problem 10 Chapter Five Antiferromagnetis m Two Problem 11 Chapter Six Broken symmetry; Heisenberg and Ising models Two Problem 12 Chapter Six Phase transitions; Excitations; Domains Two Problem 13 Chapter Seven The free electron model; Pauli paramagnetism Two Problem 14 Chapter Seven Landau diamagnetism; RKKY interactions Two Problem 15 Chapter Eight Spin glasses Two Problem 16 Chapter Eight Superparamagnetis m Two Problem VI. Textbook and References Textbooks:Stephen Blundell, Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2001 References: 1. B. I. Bleaney and B. Bleaney, Electricity and Magnetism, OUP 1989, contains a comprehensive treatment of electromagnetism 2. A. I. Rae, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, IOP Publishing 1992 is a clear exposition of Quantum Mechanics at an introductory level. 3. A good account of quantum angular momentum can be found in Chapters 1-3 of volume 3 of the Feynman lectures in Physics, R. P. Feynman, Addison-Wesley 1975
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