4.An excellent description of quantum mechanics may be found in J.J. Sakurai,Modern Quantum Mechanics,2nd edition 1994,Addison-Wesley. 5.B.H.Bransden and C.J.Joachain,Physics of atoms and molecules, Longman 1983,provides extensive information on isolated atoms. 6.Useful background information may also be found in P.W.Atkins, Molecular quantum mechanics,OUP 1983. 7.Also useful is the comprehensive book by A.Abragam and B.Bleaney, Electron paramagnetic resonance of transition ions,Dover 1986. 8.D.I.Griffiths,Introduction to electromagnetism,Prentice Hall 1989 provides a readable account of magnetostatic fields in matter. 9.A discussion of the merits of classical versus quantum mechanical derivations of diamagnetis is given inS.Dell and R.K.P.Zia Aerican Journal of Physics 54,32(1986). 10.A good introduction to NMR may be found in P.J.Hore,Nuclear magnetic resonance OUP 1995.Also extremely useful is B.Cowan,Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation CUP 1997.The classic text on NMR is A.Abragam, Principles of nuclear magnetism OUP 1961. 11.A.Abragam and B.Bleaney,Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions,Dover 1986,provides extensive information about crystal fields and ESR experiments in paramagnetic salts. 12.The crystal field can be considered using the so-called Stevens operators,see K.W.H.Stevens,Proc.Phys.Soc.A 65,209 (1952)and M.T. Mulchings,Solid State Physics 16,227 (1966). 13.For further information on the M6ssbauer effect see Mossbauer spectroscopy,edited by D.P.E.Dickson and F.J.Berry,CUP1986. VII.Teaching method 1.Give full play to the educational role of theoretical physics courses, consolidate mathematical and physical foundations,and emphasize the addition of cutting-edge ientific and technological content,keeping the teaching materials updated.Integrate magnetic physics with solid-state physics,quantum mechanics,and other courses,focusing on complex quantum model systems at the forefront of interdisciplinary research,and sharpening scientific thinking and research innovation abilities. 2.Combine blackboard writing and PowerPoint presentations,taking advantage of both traditional and modern teaching methods.Adopt a comprehensive approach that includes lectures,discussions,and flipped classrooms. 4. An excellent description of quantum mechanics may be found in J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition 1994, Addison-Wesley. 5. B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Physics of atoms and molecules, Longman 1983, provides extensive information on isolated atoms. 6. Useful background information may also be found in P. W. Atkins, Molecular quantum mechanics, OUP 1983. 7. Also useful is the comprehensive book by A. Abragam and B. Bleaney, Electron paramagnetic resonance of transition ions, Dover 1986. 8. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to electromagnetism, Prentice Hall 1989 provides a readable account of magnetostatic fields in matter. 9. A discussion of the merits of classical versus quantum mechanical derivations of diamagnetism is given in S. L. O'Dell and R. K. P. Zia, American Journal of Physics 54, 32(1986). 10. A good introduction to NMR may be found in P. J. Hore, Nuclear magnetic resonance OUP 1995. Also extremely useful is B. Cowan, Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation CUP 1997. The classic text on NMR is A. Abragam, Principles of nuclear magnetism OUP 1961. 11. A. Abragam and B. Bleaney, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions, Dover 1986, provides extensive information about crystal fields and ESR experiments in paramagnetic salts. 12. The crystal field can be considered using the so-called Stevens operators, see K. W. H. Stevens, Proc. Phys. Soc. A 65, 209 (1952) and M. T. Mulchings, Solid State Physics 16, 227 (1966). 13. For further information on the M6ssbauer effect see Mossbauer spectroscopy, edited by D. P. E. Dickson and F. J. Berry, CUP 1986. VII. Teaching method 1.Give full play to the educational role of theoretical physics courses, consolidate mathematical and physical foundations, and emphasize the addition of cutting-edge scientific and technological content, keeping the teaching materials updated. Integrate magnetic physics with solid-state physics, quantum mechanics, and other courses, focusing on complex quantum model systems at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, and sharpening scientific thinking and research innovation abilities. 2. Combine blackboard writing and PowerPoint presentations, taking advantage of both traditional and modern teaching methods. Adopt a comprehensive approach that includes lectures, discussions, and flipped classrooms
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