心血管疾病的危害 海充夏大学 HAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY ral ancurysm 動脈瘤) Cardiovascular diseases are the world's largest killers,claiming 17.1 million lives a year (WHO). 我国心血管病患病率处于持续上升态 势,估计我国心血管病(冠心病、脑 Cardiac diseases (心騰病) 卒中、心衰、高血压)现患人数为2.9 亿,每10个成年人中就有2人患心血 管病。估计每年我国约有350万人死 于心血管病,占总死亡原因的41%, 居各种疾病之首。估计我国每天心血 管病死亡9590人,每小时心血管病死 亡400人,每10秒心血管病死亡1人。 引自《中国心血管病报告2012》 dominal aortic IhypogRatnc von ancurysm(腹部大 llinc vein 動脈瘤) Most cardiovascular diseases Systemic caplares of pelvis develop in the heart and the arterial system(动脉系统). Schematic description of blood circulation [Adopted from Tortora and atomic structure of the Anagnostakos.Principles of Anatomy and cardiovascular system Physiology.1990] [Adopted from 3Dscience.com]Schematic description of blood circulation [Adopted from Tortora and Anagnostakos. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 1990] Anatomic structure of the cardiovascular system [Adopted from 3Dscience.com] The cardiovascular system(心臓 血管系) circulates blood over the body and thereby plays a crucial role in life maintenance. Cardiovascular diseases are the world’s largest killers, claiming 17.1 million lives a year (WHO). Most cardiovascular diseases develop in the heart and the arterial system (动脉系统). 心血管疾病的危害 Cerebral aneurysm (脳動脈瘤) Coronary artery stenosis (冠動 脈狭窄) Cardiac diseases (心臓病) Abdominal aortic aneurysm(腹部大 動脈瘤) 我国心血管病患病率处于持续上升态 势,估计我国心血管病(冠心病、脑 卒中、心衰、高血压)现患人数为2.9 亿,每10个成年人中就有2人患心血 管病。估计每年我国约有350万人死 于心血管病,占总死亡原因的41%, 居各种疾病之首。估计我国每天心血 管病死亡9590人,每小时心血管病死 亡400人,每10秒心血管病死亡1人。 引自《中国心血管病报告2012》
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