Abstracts and Key Words of Articles On the Traditional Callimphy Education Thinking and its M odem Vale Sufferings and Freedon Van Goph's Art and Life rs as vell as how LITao u Thmazh he artand l ofv an Gogh.he wrier tres o seek t the fnd the whtnbeeen知蛋rng and。Van Gogh' The Change of the Vahe of Wodem Calligmaphy Art Theo of the Mnd Research on Calligraphy Art Education in The Paintng Art ofPaulCezann Ekea entary School metl As the n of the m odem art h varbus pahthg s know bdge of The oason of that正n the veaknesC PaulCez okof色heart nce ofeu of he a ey ons Ker ords]PaulC ezanne.lihtand to cobr strucure,opis,modem Pag es由et止s The h ages ofFen inin ity in Picasso's Cubism Paintings h起cubis par由g,hepaedany ages of abs,hha oH's5&Nothod d thor a rea上dh pen and hk and cob The he of The PainterD ifficult to lnderstand-Kke CHEN LIHOU J面g of e oat YU LonE re has becom e te com no sub pctof th h The hspiration of the DBAE Teaching Concept to Chnese ZHU Nei -nodemin educatin.e n fnd on e pobes s about ar on par on of the TANG Chang'an,XEXiodong e of the d ,the refm of teachng ethod of fhe arts.dabgue be Ke DBAE AnEdC om con ing fiom he west vhich was certh to be iflosced by and 1994-2011 China Academic Joural Electronie Publishing House.All rights reserved http://www.cnki.netAbst racts and Key Words of Art i cles while Heidegger thought the artwork were far from it. [Key Words] utensil, artwork, truth, existence, comparison Sufferings and Freedom ——Van Goph’s Art and Life LI Tao [Abstract] Through the art and life of Van Gogh, the writer tries to seek to the find the relation between suffering and freedom . Van Gogh’s consciousness of suffering and concept of freedom have all vividly reflected in his drawings and letters as well as how his suffering integrated with the free art that he ran after. [key Words] suffering, freedom, life, art, archetype The Work of the Mind ——The Painting Art of Paul Cezanne ZHAO Peng [Abstract] As the pioneer of the modern art in various painting schools, Paul Cezanne he is rich in the creative spirit and gradually formulated the art thought and theories, which liberated the later artists' individuality and thoughts, thus opening up a new world in the western painting of 20 centuries. Paul Cezanne suffered from extreme solitude and the various pressures. Getting rid of utilitarianism and making painting into the real work of the heart, his persistence of the truth of the art finally paid off and he was recognized as an epoch- making master, entitled “the father of the modern art”. [Key Words] Paul Cezanne, light and the color, structure, topics, modern painting The Images of Femininity in Picasso’s Cubism Paintings CUI Huixiang [Abstract] Pablo Picasso is the greatest pioneer of cubism in modern art. In his cubism paintings, he painted many images of females which are different from the classic painting style. He revealed the complex, liberal and multiple spirits of females, which revealed the truth of life. [Key Words] Picasso, the cubism, images of female The Painter Difficult to Understand- Klee CHEN Li, HOU Jiming [Abstract] Undoubtedly Paul Klee is one of the most changeable, multi- personality and outstanding talents in the 20th Century. Full of talent, his was a painter, musician, philosopher, poet and theorist. However, his work was hard to understand just like his talents. [Key Words] intricate, creator, soul The Inspiration of the DBAE Teaching Concept to Chinese Art Teachers ZHU Mei [Abstract] At the background of post- modernism education, we can find some problems about art teachers by studying on Eisner’s Discipline- based Art Education. Therefore, on the basis of absorbing the teaching conceptions of the Discipline- based Art Education theory, the art teachers in primary school and middle school of China should draw lesson from DBAE Teaching Concept, improving fine arts teachers’command of discipline, the reform of teaching method of fine arts, dialogue between teachers and students as well as encourage teachers’ ability in exploitation of the course so as to realize personal s elf- development. [Key Words] DBAE Art Education Conceptions, Eisner, art teachers On the Traditional Calligraphy Education Thinking and its Modern Value MA Yibo [Abstract] Traditional calligraphy education thinking is as follows, tradition as the foundation, paying attention to characters as well as how to become a decent person, be diligent in thinking, paying attentions to aesthetics, improving academic quality, endeavoring to create. These education thinking can better s ervice calligraphy education in modern society, and help promote the development of calligraphy art. [Key Words] Calligraphy, Education thinking, modern value The Change of the Value of Modern Calligraphy Art Education ——Research on Calligraphy Art Education in Elementary School LIN Chuoqin [Abstract] Calligraphy art education is playing an important role in cultivating pupil’s abilities. I find some students’ knowledge of calligraphy is generally poor. The reason of that lies in the weakness of calligraphy art education in elementary schools. As for the problems above, I did a lot of research and put forward my opinions to enhance the value of modern calligraphy art education. [Key Words] modern, elementary school, calligraphy art education Understanding the Beauty of Forms of Chinese Painting from the Aspect of Rudolf Arnheim ’s Aesthetics Theory ZHU Liangliang [Abstract] Rudolf Arnheim’s aesthetics theoretics attaches attention to the perception of human. All these come from the function of Gestal and the relation of forms. Chines e Painting focuses on the beauty of forms. From Xie He’s Six Method d there are brilliant summarizations about this problem: positioning, painting exactly, coloring according to subjects, showing the beauty of form of Chinese painting from the aspects of composition, pen and ink and color. The thesis will analyze the form of Chinese painting from Rudolf Arnheim’aesthetics theory. [Key Words] Gestalt, art and visual Perception, the beauty of form The Comparison in Painting Languages betw een Chinese Landscape Painting and Western Landscape Oil Painting YU Long [Abstract] The beauty of nature has become the common subject of the Chinese landscape painting and western lands cape oil painting. However, the differences between them are obvious, especially in painting language. The two remain their unique characteristics while learning the merits from each other. In the new historic age, how can we ustilize the painting language of our own to express the landscape? [Key Words] landscape painting, landscape oil painting, painting language, line, color, bright and dark, touch of brush, texture Aesthetic Comparison of the Early Watercolor Painting Art betw een Chinese and the West TANG Chang’an, XIE Xiaodong [Abstract] Because of the difference in geography, nationality, culture, history and social economy, China and the west, present the different artistic form and the artistic style. Chinese watercolor painting is the artistic form coming from the west, which was certain to be influenced by and 141
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