Ketones and Aldehydes R H H R a ketone an aldehyde formaldehyde Ketones are compounds that have two alkyl groups bound to the carbonyl functionality Aldehydes have one alkyl group and one hydrogen bound to the carbonyl. Formation of Primary Alcohols R-MgX H.O MgX R-CH2-OH Grignard reagent formaldehyde primary alcohol Formaldehyde is the simplest aldehyde,and reaction with a Grignard reagent generates a primary alcohol,which contains one more carbon atom than the original Grignard reagent. E.g. H CHCH,CH,CH2一MgBr C=0 (1)ether solvent CHCH,CH,CH,- OH (2)HO* butylmagnesium bromide formaldehyde pentan-1-01(92%) Chl0 Alcohols:Struct +synth (landscape) Page 12Ch10 Alcohols; Struct + synth (landscape) Page 12 Ketones and Aldehydes Ketones are compounds that have two alkyl groups bound to the carbonyl functionality. Aldehydes have one alkyl group and one hydrogen bound to the carbonyl. Formation of Primary Alcohols Formaldehyde is the simplest aldehyde, and reaction with a Grignard reagent generates a primary alcohol, which contains one more carbon atom than the original Grignard reagent. E.g
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