附件24.1 路,6学时) Knowedge basic for types,the operating priniple and feature for presseonorsspeed conotand directional onciruits. (知识点:被压本回路的基本性质、类型及特点,各类压力控制回路、速度控制、回路(一)调 速国路、速度控制回路(二)快速和速度换接回路、方向控制回路、多执行元件控制回路的工作原理 及特占) Emphasis control and directional control circuits (重点:掌界和理解实现各类典型的压力控制回路、速度控制回路、方向控制国路、多执行元件控制 回路的工作原理及特点) Difficulties:understand for typical operating principle and features for kinds of basic co (难点:各类奥型基本控制回路的实现及工作原理和特点:各元件在基木回路中的作用 7.1 Pressure Control Circuits(压力控制回路) 7.2 Speed Control Circuits(速度控制回路) 7.3 Directional Control Circuits(方向控制回路) 7.4Muti-actuator Control Circuits(多执行元件控制回路) Homework:pp.354 Chapter 7,7-4,7-5,7-6. Experiment 3.Circuits experimental of hydraulic basic circuits,2hours 压基本回路试验,2学时) The design and build uptwo kinds:diferent area circuit and realizing for different speed change (差动同路和速度换接回路的实现) Equipment:CSO140CS014.(型装配式液压回路实验台QCSO140CS014 Chapter8 Examples of Hydraulic Systems.2 hours.(典型液 压系统,2学时) Knowledge points introduction of 4 kinds of typical hydraulic system that are used in industry power-slipway for combined machine tools,YA32-200 type four column universal press machine,hydrauli system for plastic inctnmodn machine and hydraulc system of manipulator. (知识点:介绍外圆磨床液压系统、压力机液压系统、塑料注射成型机液压系统、和机械手液压系统 的特点及工作原理) Emp such as power-slipway fo inctinmouldin machine and hydraulisystem of manipulator. (重点:掌捏典型工业中应用的液压系统:压力机液压系统、塑料注射成型机液压系统和机械手液压 系统的特点及工作原理) The applica of com (难点:各类奥型液压系统的组成、特点和动作原理:系统中各元件的作用) 8.1 Hydraulic System of Power-slipway for Combined Machine Tools(组合机床动力滑台 液压系统) 82 Hydraulic System for Plastic Injection Moulding Machines(塑料注射成型机液压系 统) 附件 24.1 5 路, 6 学时)) Knowledge points: the basic characters for hydraulic circuits and types; the operating principle and features for pressure control circuits, speed control circuits and directional control circuits. (知识点:液压基本回路的基本性质、类型及特点,各类压力控制回路、速度控制 、回路(一)调 速回路、速度控制回路(二)快速和速度换接回路、方向控制回路、多执行元件控制回路的工作原理 及特点) Emphasis: comprehend the operating principle for three hydraulic circuits: pressure control, flow rate control and directional control circuits. (重点:掌握和理解实现各类典型的压力控制回路、速度控制回路、方向控制回路、多执行元件控制 回路的工作原理及特点) Difficulties: understand for typical operating principle and features for kinds of basic control circuits realizing. (难点:各类典型基本控制回路的实现及工作原理和特点;各元件在基本回路中的作用) 7.1 Pressure Control Circuits (压力控制回路) 7.2 Speed Control Circuits (速度控制回路) 7.3 Directional Control Circuits (方向控制回路) 7.4 Muti-actuator Control Circuits (多执行元件控制回路) Homework: pp.354 Chapter 7, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6. Experiment 3. Circuits experimental of hydraulic basic circuits, 2hours (液 压基本回路试验, 2 学时) The design and build up two kinds of hydraulic circuits: different area circuit and realizing for different speed change(差动回路和速度换接回路的实现) Equipment: QCSO14QCSO14. (型装配式液压回路实验台 QCSO14QCSO14) Chapter 8 Examples of Hydraulic Systems, 2 hours.(典型液 压系统,2 学时) Knowledge points: introduction of 4 kinds of typical hydraulic system that are used in industry, power-slipway for combined machine tools, YA32-200 type four column universal press machine, hydraulic system for plastic injection molding machine and hydraulic system of manipulator. (知识点:介绍外圆磨床液压系统、压力机液压系统、塑料注射成型机液压系统、和机械手液压系统 的特点及工作原理) Emphasis: to grasp the operating principle of typical hydraulic system in industry, such as power-slipway for combined machine tools, YA32-200 type four column universal press machine, hydraulic system for plastic injection moulding machine and hydraulic system of manipulator. (重点:掌握典型工业中应用的液压系统:压力机液压系统、塑料注射成型机液压系统和机械手液压 系统的特点及工作原理) Difficulties: understand for the composing, principle and features kinds of typical control circuits realizing. The application of components in the system. (难点:各类典型液压系统的组成、特点和动作原理;系统中各元件的作用) 8.1 Hydraulic System of Power-slipway for Combined Machine Tools (组合机床动力滑台 液压系统) 8.2 Hydraulic System for Plastic Injection Moulding Machines (塑料注射成型机液压系 统)
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