附件24.1 8.3 Hydraulic System of YA32-200 Type Four Column Universal Press Machine(YA32-200 型四柱万能液压机液压系统) 8.4 Hydraulic System of Manipulator(机械手液压系统) Homework:pp.358 Chapter 8,8-1. Chapter 9 Design of Hydraulic Transmission System,4 hours.(液压系统的设计计算,4学时) Knowedge points:the approach for hydrostatic circuits design,a design example of hydraulic system. (知识点:液压系统的设计步骤、液压系统的设计计算举例) Emphasis. appr stepsofhydiaulic bya lecture e (重点:通过具体的液压系统设计计算实例掌挥液压系统的设计步骤和方法) Difficulties:the design and checking computations. (难点,液压系统的设计与验算) 9.1 The Approach for Design of Hydraulie System(液压系统的设计步骤) 92 A Design Example of Hydrauli System(液压系统的设计计算实例) Homework:pp.360 Chapter 9,9-1. Chapter 10 Air Supply Devices and Pneumatic Components 4 hours.(气源装置与启动元件,4学时) Knowledge points:introduction the structure feature and operating principle for air supply devices regulating valves,actuators,and pneumatic attachments. (知识点:介绍气源装置、气动元件、气动执行元件、气动控制阀、气动辅件的结构特点及工作原理) Emphasis:the structure feature and operating principle ofir supply devices.regulating valves. (重点:掌握气源装置、气动执行元件、气动控制阀和气动辅件的结构特点及工作原理〉 Difficutie:the design and feature of kinds of the pneumatic elm (难点:各类气动元件的结构特点及设计) 10.1 Air supply Devices(气题装置) 10.2 Pneum tic Attachments(气动辅件) 0.3 Pneumatic Actuators(气动执行元件) I0.4 Pneumatic Regulating Valves(气动控制阀) Homework:pp.360 Chapter 10,10-1,10-2,10-3. Answer to problems-3 and Final reviews,2 hours.(习题进邂 3和总复习,2学时) 实每实 序号 实验名称 内容提要或要求 验组验 主要仪器没备 (Names) 学人类附件 24.1 6 8.3 Hydraulic System of YA32-200 Type Four Column Universal Press Machine(YA32-200 型四柱万能液压机液压系统) 8.4 Hydraulic System of Manipulator (机械手液压系统) Homework: pp.358 Chapter 8, 8-1. Chapter 9 Design of Hydraulic Transmission System, 4 hours. (液压系统的设计计算,4 学时) Knowledge points: the approach for hydrostatic circuits design, a design example of hydraulic system. (知识点:液压系统的设计步骤、液压系统的设计计算举例) Emphasis: to grasp the approaches and steps of hydraulic circuits by a lecture example. (重点:通过具体的液压系统设计计算实例掌握液压系统的设计步骤和方法) Difficulties: the design and checking computations. (难点:液压系统的设计与验算) 9.1 The Approach for Design of Hydraulic System (液压系统的设计步骤) 9.2 A Design Example of Hydraulic System(液压系统的设计计算实例) Homework: pp.360 Chapter 9, 9-1. Chapter 10 Air Supply Devices and Pneumatic Components , 4 hours. (气源装置与启动元件, 4 学时) Knowledge points: introduction the structure feature and operating principle for air supply devices, regulating valves, actuators, and pneumatic attachments. (知识点:介绍气源装置、气动元件、气动执行元件、气动控制阀、气动辅件的结构特点及工作原理) Emphasis: to grasp the structure feature and operating principle of air supply devices, regulating valves, actuators, and pneumatic attachments. (重点:掌握气源装置、气动执行元件、气动控制阀和气动辅件的结构特点及工作原理) Difficulties: the design and feature of kinds of the pneumatic elements. (难点:各类气动元件的结构特点及设计) 10.1 Air Supply Devices(气源装置) 10.2 Pneumatic Attachments(气动辅件) 10.3 Pneumatic Actuators(气动执行元件) 10.4 Pneumatic Regulating Valves(气动控制阀) Homework: pp.360 Chapter 10, 10-1,10-2,10-3. Answer to problems-3 and Final reviews, 2 hours. (习题讲解 -3 和总复习,2 学时) (二) 序号 (No.) 实验名称 (Names) 内容提要或要求 实 验 学 每 组 人 实 验 类 主要仪器设备
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