附件24.1 时粉烈 The main performances for hydraulic pumps ncludes the rating pressure reached,the flov ate under the rating pressure.volume Performance testing ssure pule notice,using life Tester:OCS003 of hydraulic pumps ms are importan 秦川QCS003型 (液压泉性能试验 教学实验台 (液压泵的主要性能包括:能否达到额定日 力、额定压力下的流量(额定流量),容积 效率、压力脉动(指摆)值、碳声、寿命 温升、振动等项,前三项是最重委的性能 泵的测试主要是检查这几项。) To grasp the structure features and assemble 若干套相关的液 teps of type of CB gear pump,type of 压须 The knocked-dowr YCY14-IB vane pumps and piston pumns experiment for (了解CB型齿轮类油泵 YB型叶片油 hydraulic pum 泵的拆装试验) 和YCY14B型轴向柱塞泵的结构特点和 vane pumps and 装配过程) piston pumps) Circuits Design and build up two kinds of hydraulic Tester OCS014 draulic basic 差动回路和速度换接回路的实现) 液压基本可路试验 六、教材和主要参考资 教材 陈淑梅编著。《液压与气压传动》英汉双语普通高等教育 (text book) 一五”规划教材.ISBN978-7-111-22449-5.机械工业出 版社.2007,10. 1]Frank M.White.Fluid Mechanics(Fourth Edition)[M).Printer:Vor Hoffmann Press,Inc.1999. Merle C.Potter.David C.Wiggert.Mechanics of fluids [M].Beijing China machine press,2003 3JAntony Barber,Pneumatic Handbook.7 Edition [M].The Trade Technical Press Limited.1989. 41 Ronald E Glenn.James E Blinn.Mobile Hydraulic TestinglMI 1970 5]D.Mecloy,H.R.Martin,The control of fluid power [M].Lower Brydone(Printers)Ltd Thetford,Norfolk,1973. 6]Raymond PLambeck.Hydraulic Pumps and Motors:Selection an Application for Hydraulic Power Control Systems [M].Markce Dekker.INC.1983. 7]Hehn Anton H.Fluid Power Troubleshooting [M].Marcel Dekker. 附件 24.1 7 时 数 型 01 Performance testing of hydraulic pumps (液压泵性能试验) The main performances for hydraulic pumps includes the rating pressure reached, the flow rate under the rating pressure, volume efficiency, pressure pulse, notice, using life, temperature and vibration. However the first three terms are important. (液压泵的主要性能包括:能否达到额定压 力、额定压力下的流量(额定流量),容积 效率、压力脉动(振摆)值、噪声、寿命、 温升、振动等项,前三项是最重要的性能, 泵的测试主要是检查这几项。) 2 10 设 计 Tester: QCS003 秦川 QCS003 型 教学实验台 02 The knocked-down experiment for hydraulic pump. (泵的拆装试验) To grasp the structure features and assemble steps of type of CB gear pump, type of YCY14-IB vane pumps and piston pumps. (了解 CB 型齿轮类油泵、YB 型叶片油泵 和 YCY14-IB 型轴向柱塞泵的结构特点和 装配过程) 2 10 认 识 若干套相关的液 压泵 (Tester: CB gear pump, YCY14-IB vane pumps and piston pumps) 03 Circuits experimental of hydraulic basic circuits. 液压基本回路试验 Design and build up two kinds of hydraulic circuits: different area circuit and realizing for different speed change. (差动回路和速度换接回路的实现) 2 10 设 计 Tester: QCSO14 (QCSO14 型装配 式液压回路实验 台) 六、教材和主要参考资料 教材 (text book) 陈淑梅编著.《液压与气压传动》英汉双语.普通高等教育 “十一五”规划教材. ISBN 978-7-111-22449-5. 机械工业出 版社. 2007,10. References 参考资料 [1] Frank M. White. Fluid Mechanics (Fourth Edition) [M]. Printer: Von Hoffmann Press,Inc. 1999. [2] Merle C. Potter, David C. Wiggert. Mechanics of fluids [M]. Beijing, China machine press, 2003. [3]Antony Barber, Pneumatic Handbook, 7th Edition [M]. The Trade & Technical Press Limited. 1989. [4] Ronald E Glenn, James E Blinn, Mobile Hydraulic Testing[M]. 1970. [5] D. Mccloy, H.R. Martin, The control of fluid power [M]. Lower & Brydone (Printers) Ltd., Thetford, Norfolk, 1973. [6] Raymond P Lambeck. Hydraulic Pumps and Motors: Selection and Application for Hydraulic Power Control Systems [M]. Markcel Dekker, INC, 1983. [7] Hehn Anton H. Fluid Power Troubleshooting [M]. Marcel Dekker
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