ALLOCATE ASSETS TO YOUR COMFORT LEVEL 95 Cash 按照适合您的悄况配置资产 现金 Conservative Moderately Moderately Conservative Moderate Aggressive Aggressive 保守 中等保守 中等 中等激进 激进 25%20% 15% 35% 60% Maintain capital Obtain continuing · Balance between bonds· Accumulate wealth over· Achieve above-average 保全资本 for current income and time, not current income growth Returns may be very 获得持续现金流收入 stocks for growth 注重财富的长期累积,而获取超越平均水平的高 Some risk 在可获取固定收益的馈不是短期的收入 回报可能很低 度 券和谋求增长的股票投· Risk of price volatility More substant 资间平衡配置 igh liquidity 价格剧烈波动的风险 较高的实质损 高流动性 · Seeking to achieve · Seeking to achieve Reduced risk above-average returns 低的风险 追求财富增长 追求高于平均水平的投 Asset allocation models refect sllocstions for Mammil Lynch U.S. Research investment poicy as of Aprl 2007. Memill Lynch has changed the locations for each model in the past and msy change the s locations in the future, depending on research and investmant strategy recommandations 袋产型置有型基于林证办国研究部门在2007年4月的投袋路际究,根指投袋研究成果和投袋路建议,我林证在过去募得一个型的配置,并可能在将来
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