List of Abbreriations XIX IR based empirical parameter of solvent Lewis basicity (Koppel and Paju;Makitra) the solvent's cation-solvating tendency or'basity'(Swain) empirical parameter of solvent hydrogen-bond acceptor basicity (Taft and Kamlet) MPa(=105 Pa) G,c() molar conc entration of solute i mol.L-1 CA.CB Lewis acidity and Lewis basicity parameter (Drago) 772 critical micelle concentration mol.I-I molar bond-dissociation energy of the kJ.mol-1 bond between H and A vent Lewis cycloa ion reaction (Nagai et al.) DN solvent donor number(Gutmann) kcal.mol- =-△HD-SbC1s DNN normalized solvent donor number (Marcus) Hildebrand's solubility paran ter MPa2 chemical shift of NMR signals ppm solvent polarizability correction term (Taft and Kamlet) E energy,molar energy kJ.mol-1 E electric field strength V.m enol constant(K.H.Meyer) E empirical parameter of solvent Lewis acidity (Palm and Koppel) EA.E awoaay kJ.mol-1 EA:EB Lewis acidit EA electron affinity kJ.mol-1 E empirical solvent Lewis basicit sed on the orptic of an empirical solvent polarity parameter, kcal.mol-1 based on the d→π'absorption of a molybdenum complex(Walther) BPhOH IR based empirical parameter of solvent Lewis basicity (Koppel and Paju; Makitra) Bj the solvent’s cation-solvating tendency or ‘basity’ (Swain) b empirical parameter of solvent hydrogen-bond acceptor basicity (Taft and Kamlet) c cohesive pressure (cohesive energy density) of a solvent MPa (¼ 106 Pa) ci; cðiÞ molar concentration of solute i mol  L1 CA; CB Lewis acidity and Lewis basicity parameter (Drago) cmc critical micelle concentration mol  L1 DHA molar bond-dissociation energy of the bond between H and A kJ  mol1 Dp empirical parameter of solvent Lewis basicity, based on a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction (Nagai et al.) DN solvent donor number (Gutmann) [¼ DH(DaaSbCl5)] kcal  mol1 DN N normalized solvent donor number (Marcus) d; dH Hildebrand’s solubility parameter MPa1=2 d chemical shift of NMR signals ppm d solvent polarizability correction term (Taft and Kamlet) E energy, molar energy kJ  mol1 E electric field strength V  m1 E enol constant (K. H. Meyer) E empirical parameter of solvent Lewis acidity (Palm and Koppel) EA; Ea Arrhenius activation energy kJ  mol1 EA; EB Lewis acidity and Lewis basicity parameter (Drago) EA electron a‰nity kJ  mol1 E N B empirical solvent Lewis basicity parameter, based on the n ! p absorption of an aminyloxide radical (Mukerjee; Wrona) EK empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on the d ! p absorption of a molybdenum complex (Walther) kcal  mol1 List of Abbreviations XIX
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