270 Chapter 7 Training and Development taken seriously at Hamburger University,which has university housing where students stay during their training,often lasting five full days.The university recently shifted training styles to incorporate more small-group activities and interactive learning.The training center includes a simulated kitchen and drive-through window that are exact replicas of what trainees will find at the restaurants where they will eventually work.Trainees practice taking orders,preparing food in the kitchen,and working at the drive-through window. Finally,McDonald's has created alliances to ensure that some of the coursework (e.g..busi- ness management,adult education courses)at Hamburger University can be counted as course credit at more traditional universities and colleges(Weinstein,2008).With the use of electronic and computer-based technology,training courses are provided in 22 languages at Hamburger University,which currently operates in Japan.Germany,Britain,and Australia.As another example,Steve Jobs founded Apple University as a way for his com- pany's employees to be trained on Apple culture.Like Apple's products and marketing,the training is meticulously planned,and it emphasizes simplicity in product design and in communication among employees(Chen,2014). Tolbert.McLean,and Myers (2002)emphasized that global changes and challenges fac- ing corporations require an emphasis on global learning organizations.They argued that many organizations are ethnocentric but that successful organizations will instead need to be globally inclusive.Organizations aiming to become truly global will need to plan and structure management development that includes international and cross-cultural experi- ences.They will also need to train their employees to work in cross-cultural teams.To help employees be prepared to think and work with a global perspective,organizations can use features of learning organizations (e.g.,continuous learning and improvement)in combi- nation with recruitment and selection procedures.Successful multinational organizations place a heavy emphasis on knowledge sharing among team members and across teams so that information is transferred across different parts of the organization (Gibson,Waller, Carpenter,Conte,2007).Overall,training researchers and practitioners are optimistic about these systematic,integrated approaches to learning.Additional research is needed that evaluates the conditions under which learning organizations thrive and the barriers to changing an organization's culture in this way. MODULE 7.1 SUMMARY Training is a major expenditure for many com- After determining training needs and training panies,and evidence suggests that it pays off in objectives,training design begins with an under- higher sales and profitability.Many organiza. standing of how learning occurs.Trainee charac- tions also use training to attract and retain their teristics(readiness to learn,motivation to learn) most successful employees. and training design characteristics(principles of Work psychologists often use a training model learning,objectives)affect the learning process that begins with needs assessment,then training and learning outcomes. and development,followed by training evalua- Principles from reinforcement theory and social tion,and finally a consideration of training learning theory are useful in designing training validity levels. programs and enhancing learning processes Needs analysis is a systematic means of under- during training. standing where training is needed,what needs to Emerging trends in training and learning include be taught or trained,and who will be trained. the learning organization and the globally inclu- Training needs analysis typically involves organ- sive organization. izational,task,and person analysis. Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScanner
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