Let the junior students understand the basic concepts,infrastructure,typical problems,key techniques and development trend in communications and computations.To help students understand the links between the communication systems and the professional curriculum system,and to stimulate students'interest in learning professional and technical knowledge. Through the typical events and typical characters in the electronics industry,let the students establish the national identity,system self-confidence,social responsibility,mission commitment, scientific spirit and craftsmanship spirit.Through the discussion,let the students can reasonably analyze the impact of communication system and computer system schemes on environmental protection,social sustainable development,health,safety,laws and culture.Through the analogical thinking training,show the researching study method;let the students have the ability to search,select and reading technical materials;have the ability to analyze problems,to clarify the relationship of case,and to make the conclusions;have the ability of professional writing and fluent expression. 课程目标与毕业要求的对应关系: 毕业要求 指标点 课程目标 工程与社会 指标点6.2 ● 能够合理分析通信系统的频谱规划、电磁 能够合理分析与评价通信产品、 辐射等因素对行业法规、人类健康的影 技术等工程问题的解决方案对社 响: 会、健康、安全、法律以及文化 ● 能够合理分析计算机系统的人工智能、类 的潜在影响。 脑计算等技术对安全、文化的影响: 环境和可持续 ● 能够理解通信系统的发展对环境保护和 发展 指标点7.1 社会可持续发展的意义: 能够理解对环境保护和社会可持 ● 能够理解计算机系统的发展对环境保护 续发展的意义。 和社会可持续发展的意义: 终身学习 了解通信和计算技术发展的历史和现状: 指标点12.1 ● 具有将生活实例和专业领域技术方法进 了解通信技术发展的特点,具有 行类比思维的意识: 自主学习和终身学习的意识。 ● 具有通过文献阅读、讨论、总结,进行研 究式学习的意识。 三、课程内容安排和要求 (一)教学内容、要求及教学方法 1通信系统体系和专业课程体系关系 教学内容:介绍移动通信基站、终端基本组成,介绍通信系统基本组成、层次结构、信息类型, 介绍通信工程专业的课程体系,从通信系统、计算机系统视角介绍各类课程、各门课程在通信设备、Let the junior students understand the basic concepts, infrastructure, typical problems, key techniques and development trend in communications and computations. To help students understand the links between the communication systems and the professional curriculum system, and to stimulate students' interest in learning professional and technical knowledge. Through the typical events and typical characters in the electronics industry, let the students establish the national identity, system self-confidence, social responsibility, mission commitment, scientific spirit and craftsmanship spirit. Through the discussion, let the students can reasonably analyze the impact of communication system and computer system schemes on environmental protection, social sustainable development, health, safety, laws and culture. Through the analogical thinking training, show the researching study method; let the students have the ability to search, select and reading technical materials; have the ability to analyze problems, to clarify the relationship of case, and to make the conclusions; have the ability of professional writing and fluent expression. 课程目标与毕业要求的对应关系: 毕业要求 指标点 课程目标 工程与社会 指标点 6.2 能够合理分析与评价通信产品、 技术等工程问题的解决方案对社 会、健康、安全、法律以及文化 的潜在影响。  能够合理分析通信系统的频谱规划、电磁 辐射等因素对行业法规、人类健康的影 响;  能够合理分析计算机系统的人工智能、类 脑计算等技术对安全、文化的影响; 环境和可持续 发展 指标点 7.1 能够理解对环境保护和社会可持 续发展的意义。  能够理解通信系统的发展对环境保护和 社会可持续发展的意义;  能够理解计算机系统的发展对环境保护 和社会可持续发展的意义; 终身学习 指标点 12.1 了解通信技术发展的特点,具有 自主学习和终身学习的意识。  了解通信和计算技术发展的历史和现状;  具有将生活实例和专业领域技术方法进 行类比思维的意识;  具有通过文献阅读、讨论、总结,进行研 究式学习的意识。 三、课程内容安排和要求 (一)教学内容、要求及教学方法 1.通信系统体系和专业课程体系关系 教学内容:介绍移动通信基站、终端基本组成,介绍通信系统基本组成、层次结构、信息类型, 介绍通信工程专业的课程体系,从通信系统、计算机系统视角介绍各类课程、各门课程在通信设备
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