378 Index product development process 95-148 consumer involvement 250--2 gnng267-70 demand outcomes 124-5 evaluation and control of launch future changes 144-6 launch activities 126-8 identifying outcomes, activities and fluences affecting activities' choice and product success 18, 19, 23-4 information sources 174 level of innovation 268 mpp organising 287-98 produ 7-9,268-9,326,340-5 product success and failure 17-18 d 二 15,5960,7984 8-26 analysis of 81-2 service in product development 130-44 categorising new product portfolio 84 tages 20-4 planning new product portfolio 83-4 see also under individual stages product profile 105-7, 234-6 techniques 228, 238 product screening 224, 228-9 using and changing 270 product specifications 103-4 product development programme product strategy 9, 96-111, 185 ontinuous improvement 366-8 case studies 321-2. 333-6. 340-I consumers and 223-36 integration 76-8, 91-2 defining the project 97-101 management 29-30 formation 160 measures of success 11. 13-14 planning 91-2 and innovation strategy product development project 18 product design specific 8-10 continuous improvement 366, 367 product feasibility and reating knowledge 184-8, 296-9 110-11 defining 97-10 and product success 17, 19, 20-1 leader 265. 274 product success and failure 3-41 management30,299-304,350-1 basis of innovation 3- measures of success 11.13 key factors 16-18, 349-52 resources 293-4 knowledge of society, industry and timing 294-5 oduct development strategy 45, 46, managing for success 26-31 measures of 10-15 clearly defined 350 prediction of 86 link to overall business strategy 349 product development management overall product development strategy 36-7 product development process 18-26 types of 86-8 relating to customers and markets 3 testing236-9,241-3,247-9 188-90.299304 product diffusion 124-5, 208 of product development 309 product formulation 158 launch activities 126- product idea generation 224-8 monitoring 130 product improvement 9, 50-1, 67, 70 product innovation 151, 152 plan 1l9-21,123 quality assurance 126-7 product launch and evaluation 123-30 testing case studies3246,331-2,338-9, duction success 12 343-5 production yield 12product development process 95–148 designing 267–70 for different products 25–6, 138, 140–2, 317–18 future changes 144–6 identifying outcomes, activities and 85–6 influences affecting activities’ choice 144–6 information sources 174 level of innovation 268 organising 287–98 product success and failure 17–18, 18–26 service in product development 130–44 stages 20–4 see also under individual stages techniques 228, 238 using and changing 270 product development programme continuous improvement 366–8 focusing 78–84 integration 76–8, 91–2 management 29–30 measures of success 11, 13–14 planning 91–2 product development project 18 continuous improvement 366, 367 creating knowledge 184–8, 296–9 defining 97–101 leader 265, 274–5 management 30, 299–304, 350–1 measures of success 11, 13 resources 293–4 timing 294–5 product development strategy 45, 46, 85–90, 368 clearly defined 350 link to overall business strategy 349 overall product development strategy 88–90 types of 86–8 product development team 180, 187, 188–90, 299–304 product diffusion 124–5, 208 product feasibility 110–11 product formulation 158 product idea generation 224–8 product improvement 9, 50–1, 67, 70 product innovation 151, 152 product judging criteria 200 product launch and evaluation 123–30 case studies 324–6, 331–2, 338–9, 343–5 consumer involvement 250–2 demand outcomes 124–5 evaluation and control of launch 128–30 launch activities 126–8 launch strategies 125–6 problem solving 128–9 and product success 18, 19, 23–4 product lines 79 product managers 309–11 product morphology 7, 104 product platforms 7–9, 268–9, 326, 340–5 product portfolio 15, 59–60, 79–84 analysis of 81–2 categorising new product portfolio 84 planning new product portfolio 83–4 product profile 105–7, 234–6 product screening 224, 228–9 product specifications 103–4 product strategy 9, 96–111, 185 case studies 321–2, 333–6, 340–1 consumers and 223–36 defining the project 97–101 formation 160 developing the product concept 101–7 and innovation strategy 45, 46, 59–60 product design specification 108–10 product feasibility and project plan 110–11 and product success 17, 19, 20–1 product success and failure 3–41 basis of innovation 3–9 key factors 16–18, 349–52 knowledge of society, industry and technology 32–5 managing for success 26–31 measures of 10–15 prediction of 86 product development management 36–7 product development process 18–26 relating to customers and markets 31–2 product testing 236–9, 241–3, 247–9 production 65 control of product development 309 design 247–8 launch activities 126–8 monitoring 130 organisation 126–8 plan 119–21, 123 quality assurance 126–7 testing 122 production success 12 production yield 12 378 Index
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