Index 379 profits 74-5, 129 basis for Pd 298 project definition 97-101 screening 224-7. 228. 231 project leaders 262-3, 265, 274-5, 293 segmentation, 300-2 self-assessment 366. 367 see also Pd mana semi-production plants 116 project management 30 senior management 27-9, 76, 271-3, 293 ppropriate systems and processes sensory properties 105-6, 329 350-1 consumer involvement in product internal 299-304 levelopment 235-6, 238-9 project plan 110-11 consumer needs and wants 219-23 outline 101, 334, 335 tions 221-3 promotive companies 69-70 sensory product attributes 219-22 sensory testing 236-9 proteins7,166,333336-8 service concept 133-5 published materials 355 service design 133-5 service process 133-5 Q sort technique 72 quality, product 12, 13, 252 service system 133-5 quality audits 252 services52,130-44,145-6 quantitative analysis of strategies 74-5 food service development 139-44 quantitative descriptive analysis(QDA) industrial food products and 135-9 nature of 131. 132 quantitative techniques 115 new service development 131-5 shelf-life testing 37, 120 radical change 365 skills I62-5,267-8,351 radical innovation 16. 17.87-8. 26 ensuring knowledge and skills 261 raw materials 61-2, 114, 167, 240 290-1.302-3 reaction capabilities 278-9 identifying knowledge and skills reactive product strategy 82 290-1 reactors 69.70 social group 204 real time metrics 359. 360. 363 society 352 refinement change 365 change in 32-3, 48-9 regulation 48, 284 environment of product developmen ee also food regulation team 303-4 research and development 308-9 knowledge of 32-3 food system 151-2, 153-6 sound 221 resources 90 stereotypes, food 206 budget setting 280-2 stimuli for buying 198-200 for innovation 68-9 strategic analysis 71-4 organising the product development strategy business see business strategy product success 351 Innovation see innovation strategy responsibilities 292-3 knowledge 157-61 restrictive companies 69-70 launch strategies 125-6 etailers 5. 65. 6 marketir return on investment product see product strategy review 117. 365-6 product development see produc risk54,67,143 development strategy echnology 45, 46, 60-2 ales targets 12, 14-15, 23-4, 128 structural flexibility 279 sauce product development 318, 340-5, subsidiary/divisional organisation 313 success and failure 10-4 scale-up 243-5 key factors 16-8 cience 296-7 measures 14-6profits 74–5, 129 project definition 97–101 project leaders 262–3, 265, 274–5, 293, 300–2 see also PD managment project management 30 appropriate systems and processes 350–1 internal 299–304 project plan 110–11 outline 101, 334, 335 promotive companies 69–70 prospectors 69, 70 proteins 7, 166, 333, 336–8 published materials 355 Q sort technique 72 quality, product 12, 13, 252 quality audits 252 quantitative analysis of strategies 74–5 quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) 329 quantitative techniques 115 radical change 365 radical innovation 16, 17, 87–8, 268–9 raw materials 61–2, 114, 167, 240 reaction capabilities 278–9 reactive product strategy 82 reactors 69, 70 real time metrics 359, 360, 363 refinement change 365 regulation 48, 284 see also food regulations research and development 308–9 food system 151–2, 153–6 resources 90 budget setting 280–2 for innovation 68–9 organising the product development process 293–4 product success 351 responsibilities 292–3 restrictive companies 69–70 retailers 5, 65, 66 return on investment review 117, 365–6 risk 54, 67, 143 sales targets 12, 14–15, 23–4, 128 sauce product development 318, 340–5, 346 scale-up 243–5 science 296–7 basis for PD 298 screening 224–7, 228, 231 segmentation, market 5–6 self-assessment 366, 367 semi-production plants 116 senior management 27–9, 76, 271–3, 293 sensory properties 105–6, 329 consumer involvement in product development 235–6, 238–9 consumer needs and wants 219–23 interactions 221–3 sensory product attributes 219–22 sensory testing 236–9 service concept 133–5 service design 133–5 service process 133–5 service strategy 133 service system 133–5 services 52, 130–44, 145–6 food service development 139–44 industrial food products and 135–9 nature of 131, 132 new service development 131–5 shelf-life testing 37, 120 skills 162–5, 267–8, 351 ensuring knowledge and skills 261, 290–1, 302–3 identifying knowledge and skills 290–1 social group 204 society 352 change in 32–3, 48–9 environment of product development team 303–4 knowledge of 32–3 sound 221 stereotypes, food 206 stimuli for buying 198–200 strategic analysis 71–4 strategy business see business strategy innovation see innovation strategy knowledge 157–61 launch strategies 125–6 marketing 62–3 product see product strategy product development see product development strategy technology 45, 46, 60–2 structural flexibility 279 subsidiary/divisional organisation 313 success and failure 10–4 key factors 16–8 measures 14–6 Index 379
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