XL Y 发件人 NeuroReport"(nrel. co uk> 发送时间:2004年8月12日 主题 on CLAST Expression on Bullfrog Muller Calls is Regulated by Dark/Li wht Dear Dr Yang, Submission no, NR-D-04-02326 Article title: GLAST Expression on Bullfrog Muller Cells is Regulated by Dark/Light Corresponding author: Dr. Xiong-Li Yang Your paper has been seen by our reviewers and I have now received a report from the Section Editor. I am glad to tell you that the paper was favourably reviewed and I am able in principie to find space for it in NeuroReport, subject to some relatively minor revisions. I append below part of the Section Editor's evaluation, listing some recommendations about the paper. I hope that you are willing to undertake the revisions d and that you will be able to answer the criticisms made. You should keep an eye on the the paper, since it is essential enclose a new accurate estimate of the length of the paper in all its part vised version please that the paper should fit into four printed pages in the Journa you will be able to attach this file to your resubmission through Editorial Manager anges made, Please prepare a document detailing your response to our comments and listing the cha In order for the journal to maintain its reputation for fast publication, please prepare your revision as quickly as possible, ideally within the next 5 days. If I do not hear from you or receive the revised manuscript within the next 2 weeks, this file will be automatically closed; you will then be able to send back your paper only as a new submission, which will receive a new number and receipt date I look forward to seeing your revised paper, as soon as possible, please. We may consider one of your micrographs for the cover of the journal, if you ure interested and could send (initially not necessarily at high resolution) some suggestion Giorgio Gabella, MD DSc Editor in Chief Section Editors evaluation This is a very nicely crafted paper on the effects of light and of glutamate on the abundance of GLAST, and excitatory amino ncid transporter, on Muller glial cells of the retina. This transporter is
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