Mol Genet Genomics (2015)290:239-255 249 Typell Typel A (AP1/ FUL CAL) (AP3/PD C/D (AG/ STK/ SHP1/2) E (SEP1/ 2/3/4④ Bs (TT16 Mβ AGL15/18 AGL12 AGL17 AGL6 My TM3-like (S0C1) 0.001.002003.00 SVP FLC/MAF MIKC 0001002.00300 Fig.6 Heat map representation of BrMADS genes in various tissues. of plants.The bar at the bottom of each heat map represents relative The tissues included callus,root,stem,leaf,flower,and silique.Two expression values samples of root and leaf tissues were generated from different batches libraries(Supplementary Table 10).Of the BrMIKC genes, only have high expression levels in roots.The CDE genes some exhibit tissue-specific expression (Fig.6).The dif- that are not only in flowers but also in siliques have higher ferences expression levels between typel and typelI genes expression levels.Some genes,which include BrMADS077 in the Chinese cabbage tissues were consistent with that in and 078(FLC),only had low expression in flowers,sug- Arabidopsis (Kofuji et al.2003).In Chinese cabbage the gesting that these genes negatively regulate the flowering well-known ABCDE model genes have high expression time similar to results of a previous report (Michaels and levels in flowers.except BrMADS046.052.057,which Amasino1999).BrMADS045,053,063.064,068(AGL17) SpringerMol Genet Genomics (2015) 290:239–255 249 1 3 libraries (Supplementary Table 10). Of the BrMIKC genes, some exhibit tissue-specific expression (Fig. 6). The dif￾ferences expression levels between typeI and typeII genes in the Chinese cabbage tissues were consistent with that in Arabidopsis (Kofuji et al. 2003). In Chinese cabbage the well-known ABCDE model genes have high expression levels in flowers, except BrMADS046, 052, 057, which only have high expression levels in roots. The CDE genes that are not only in flowers but also in siliques have higher expression levels. Some genes, which include BrMADS077 and 078 (FLC), only had low expression in flowers, sug￾gesting that these genes negatively regulate the flowering time similar to results of a previous report (Michaels and Amasino 1999). BrMADS045, 053, 063, 064, 068 (AGL17) Fig. 6 Heat map representation of BrMADS genes in various tissues. The tissues included callus, root, stem, leaf, flower, and silique. Two samples of root and leaf tissues were generated from different batches of plants. The bar at the bottom of each heat map represents relative expression values
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