fundamental algebraic structures of groups.rings.and fields (for the limited time. groups and rings.In fact,Representation Theory of Groups is another course for undergraduates:and Module Theory will be a basic course of graduates).The mair contents include the basic structural theory of groups,permutation groups,groups' actions on sets and applications of these actions,Sylow Theorems,the structure of groups the basic structur of rings,the Chinese Rem of unique factorized domains,and polynomial rings;the extensions of fields,finite fields wit applications:finite Galois extensions.and the basic Galois theory with application The aim of the course is to make students to acquire skillfully (in some sense)the fundamental theories and tools,to train and strengthen their interest and ability of further studies.We emphasize that it is important to understand Abstract Algebras via concrete examples and backgrounds,and also we stress the applications of ideals and tools in this course. 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) 根据我校办学定位和课程特点,学生学完本课后,应能: 1,较熟练地字握抽象代数的知识思想与方法,抽象思维能力明显提高 为后续课程的学习和研究、为解决蜜码和信息安全、物理、化学中涉及群环 的相关问题,莫定坚实的基础。 (对应代码:A4,A5,A3,B1,B2,B3 B4,C1,C2,C3, CA) 2.学生应能熟练运用商结构和群作用:弄清SyoW三定理并判断有限无 课程目标 的非单性和可解性;由Burnside引理实际计数;分类有限Abel群和特殊阶群 (Course Object 会用中国刺余定理解释秘密共享:掌提各类整环:妙用同柏延拓定理:熟悉 限域的结构计算及应用;领悟Galois理论基本定理及证明并运用于根式可 性等问题。(对应代码:A4,A5,A3,B1,B2,B3,C2,C4) 3.通过诠释本课程蕴含的思想方法、融入课程思政元素,以培养德智佛 美劳全面发展的具有创新思维的高素质数学与应用数学拔尖人才。(对应代码 A4,A5,A3,B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,C3,C4) 章节 教学内容(要点) 学时 教学形式 作业及考课程思政融入时应课程目 核要求 点 标 示例 教学内容讲电 喻生活原理 A4,A5 安排及对应课 特研究思无 BI 程目标(Clas 群的定义、子群 线下授课 完成作 树严谨学风 B2,B3, Schedule&群论 与Lagrange定理 以伟人事5储 B4,C1, Requirements 励.问题导向 C2,C3, Course Objectives) 啥生活原理 第一章 元索的阶、共轭 特研究思想 完成作 A3,B1 群论 线下授课 关系、循环群 亚节学风 B2,B3, 伟人事例激 C2,C4 fundamental algebraic structures of groups, rings, and fields (for the limited time, as a course for undergraduates, it will not deal with the representation theory of groups and rings. In fact, Representation Theory of Groups is another course for undergraduates; and Module Theory will be a basic course of graduates). The main contents include the basic structural theory of groups, permutation groups, groups’ actions on sets and applications of these actions, Sylow Theorems, the structure of finitely generated abelian groups, properties of solvable groups; the basic structures of rings, the Chinese Remainder with applications, the properties of uniquely factorized domains, and polynomial rings; the extensions of fields, finite fields with applications; finite Galois extensions, and the basic Galois theory with applications. The aim of the course is to make students to acquire skillfully (in some sense) the fundamental theories and tools; to train and strengthen their interest and ability of abstract thinking, such that a solid foundation in algebra will be built for their further studies. We emphasize that it is important to understand Abstract Algebras via concrete examples and backgrounds; and also we stress the applications of ideals and tools in this course. 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) *课程目标 (Course Object) 根据我校办学定位和课程特点,学生学完本课后,应能: 1. 较熟练地掌握抽象代数的知识思想与方法,抽象思维能力明显提高, 为后续课程的学习和研究、为解决密码和信息安全、物理、化学中涉及群环域 的相关问题,奠定坚实的基础。(对应代码:A4,A5,A3,B1,B2,B3, B4,C1,C2,C3, C4) 2. 学生应能熟练运用商结构和群作用;弄清 Sylow 三定理并判断有限群 的非单性和可解性;由 Burnside 引理实际计数;分类有限 Abel 群和特殊阶群; 会用中国剩余定理解释秘密共享;掌握各类整环;妙用同构延拓定理;熟悉有 限域的结构计算及应用;领悟 Galois 理论基本定理及证明并运用于根式可解 性等问题。(对应代码:A4,A5,A3,B1,B2,B3,C2,C4) 3. 通过诠释本课程蕴含的思想方法、融入课程思政元素,以培养德智体 美劳全面发展的具有创新思维的高素质数学与应用数学拔尖人才。(对应代码 A4,A5,A3,B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,C3,C4) *教学内容进度 安排及对应课 程目标 (Class Schedule & Requirements & Course Objectives) 章节 教学内容(要点) 学时 教学形式 作业及考 核要求 课程思政融入 点 对应课程目 标 示例: 第一章 群论 群的定义、子群 与 Lagrange 定理 4 线下授课 完成作业 喻生活原理、 持研究思想、 树严谨学风、 以伟人事例激 励、问题导向 A4,A5, A3,B1, B2,B3, B4,C1, C2,C3, C4 第一章 群论 元素的阶、共轭 关系、循环群 4 线下授课 完成作业 喻生活原理、 持研究思想、 树严谨学风、 伟人事例激 A4,A5, A3,B1, B2,B3, C2,C4
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