Exercises in Class Translate the following by comparing the differences between the two languages: 1他度惫不堪,天气也越来载热,于是下决心一碰到舒话的阴凉处,就华下休泉」 2.但我的事现在己经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 3.What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality,power and range 4.A conference of developing countries and richer industrialized states was held in Washington attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poor areas of the world. 5.The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him. ry has never the place 7.A little flattery would set him carried away. 8.Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him. 由于他未能回答他们所问问题的一半,使得警察对他产生了怀疑。 警察问的问题他连一半也没答上,这使警察对他起了疑心。 9.The inability to satisfy those expectations will mean increased social tensions.especially where the regimes are already a byword for corruption and instability. 如果不能满足这些期望,那就意味者社会局势会越来越加紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动 荡己经成为政治的代名词的国家里。 不能满足这些期望 ,就意味者社会形势会越来越紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经成 为政权绰号的国家里。 10.Louise Wis symbolic of a growing and intense problem in the American society.The nation venerates youth,yet the proportion over sixty y-five years ofage is increasing For many of these older people,their declining years are with dignity.They have no function,they are sick. they are without money.Millions of them wear out the last days of their existence in small apartments in rooming houses.in nursing homes. 译文1:路易斯·W的境况典型地表明了美国社会中的一个日趋严重的问题。这个国家 只重视年轻人 而年过六十五岁的人口比例却在增大。对许多老年人来说,他们的晚 生活可谓贫辱交加(尊严渐失)。他们无事可做,疾病缠身,囊空如洗。数以百万计的 老年人在小公寓、小单间里或老年人收容所里消磨者风烛残年。 译文2:路易斯·W的状况对美国社会中日益严重而紧张的问题而言是具有象征性的 国家看得起青年,而年过六十五岁的人口比例却 在增大 对许 这类老年人来说,他们 的晚年没有尊严,他们没有起到他们的作用,他们是有病的,他们没有钱。他们成百万 地在小公寓、小单间或看护所里消磨其生存中的最后时日。 77 Exercises in Class Translate the following by comparing the differences between the two languages: 1. 他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热,于是下决心一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下休息。 2. 但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 3. What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range. 4. A conference of developing countries and richer industrialized states was held in Washington attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poor areas of the world. 5. The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him. 6. History has never been kind to the place. 7. A little flattery would set him carried away. 8. Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him. 由于他未能回答他们所问问题的一半,使得警察对他产生了怀疑。 警察问的问题他连一半也没答上,这使警察对他起了疑心。 9. The inability to satisfy those expectations will mean increased social tensions, especially where the regimes are already a byword for corruption and instability. 如果不能满足这些期望,那就意味着社会局势会越来越加紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动 荡已经成为政治的代名词的国家里。 不能满足这些期望,就意味着社会形势会越来越紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经成 为政权绰号的国家里。 10. Louise W is symbolic of a growing and intense problem in the American society. The nation venerates youth, yet the proportion over sixty-five years of age is increasing. For many of these older people, their declining years are with dignity. They have no function; they are sick; they are without money. Millions of them wear out the last days of their existence in small apartments, in rooming houses, in nursing homes. 译文1:路易斯·W的境况典型地表明了美国社会中的一个日趋严重的问题。这个国家 只重视年轻人,而年过六十五岁的人口比例却在增大。对许多老年人来说,他们的晚年 生活可谓贫辱交加(尊严渐失)。他们无事可做,疾病缠身,囊空如洗。数以百万计的 老年人在小公寓、小单间里或老年人收容所里消磨着风烛残年。 译文2:路易斯·W的状况对美国社会中日益严重而紧张的问题而言是具有象征性的。 国家看得起青年,而年过六十五岁的人口比例却在增大。对许多这类老年人来说,他们 的晚年没有尊严,他们没有起到他们的作用,他们是有病的,他们没有钱。他们成百万 地在小公寓、小单间或看护所里消磨其生存中的最后时日
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