their parts and components(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or 他电子设备制造业 contractual joint ventures) 1.高清数字摄级机、数宁议声设各 21.Manufacturing of low and medium-speed diesel'engines of vessels 制造 and bent axle(Chinese parties as controlling shareholders) 2.TFT-LCD、PDP、OLED等平板 22.Design and manufacturing of cabin machinery of vessels (Chinese 显示屏、琵示屏材料制造(6代及6代以 parties as relatively controlling shareholders) 下TFT-LCD玻璃基板除外) 23.Design and manufacturing of vessel communication and navigation 3.大弹幕彩色投能显示器州光学引 equipment:vessel communication system equipment,vessel electronic 擎、光源、投影屏、高清晰度投影管和 navigation equipment,radars for vessel use,electric gyrocompass 微显投影设备模块等关键件制遣 automatic pilot,and internal broadcasting system of vessels,etc. 4.数字膏、视颇编解码设备,数字 24.Design and manufacturing of yachts(limited to Chinese-foreign 广播电视演播室没备,数字有线电视系 equity or contractual joint ventures) 统设备,数字膏颜广播发射设备,数字 (XX)Electric Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing 电视上下变换器,教字电视地面广播单 1.Manufacturing of key auxiliary equipment used for one million- 频网(SFN)设备,卫星数字电视上行 kilowatt ultra-supercritical thermal power units(limited to Chinese- 站设备,卫星公共接收电视(SMATV) foreign equity or contractual joint ventures):safety valves and control 前端设备制造 valves 5.集成电路设计,线宽0.18微米及 2.Manufacturing of denitration equipment of sintering machines in 以下大规模数字集成电路制造,0.8徽米 coal-fired power plants and steel industry 及以下模拟、数摸集成电路制造, 3.Design and manufacturing of seals of thermal power equipment MEMS和化合物半导体集成电路铜造及 4.Manufacturing of large castings and forgings for coal-fired power BGA、PGA、CSP、MCM等先进封装与 station and hydropower station equipment 测试 5.Manufacturing of key auxiliary equipment for hydropower generating 6.大中型电子计算机、百万亿次商 units 性能计算机、便携式微型计算机、每秒 6.Manufacturing of power transmission and transformation equipment 一万亿次及以上高档服务器、大型模拟 (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures): 仿真系统、人型工业控制机及撈捌器制 amorphous alloy transformers,operating gears for high-voltage 造 switches of 500 kilwatts or more,arc-control devices,large disc 7.计算机数字信号处理系统及板卡 insulators(1,000 KV,50 KA or more).outlet devices and sleeves used 涮造 for 500 KV or more transformers (500,750 and 1,000 KV AC and all 8.图形图像识别和处理系统制造 specifications for DC).voltage regulating switches (on-load or no-load 9.大容黛光、敲盘驱动器及其部件 voltage regulating switches of 500,750 and 1,000 KV AC),dry-type 开发与制造 smoothing reactors for direct current transmission,converter valves for 10.高速、容量100TB及以上存储系 +800 KV direct current transmission(water coolers and DC field 统及智能化存储设备制造 equipment),contact materials for electrical appliances in conformity :11.计算机铺助设计(三维CAD)、 with EU RoHS Directive,and Pb-free and Cd-free solders 铺助测试(CAT)、辅助捌造 7.Manufacturing of complete sets of equipment or key equipment for (CAM)、辅助工程(CAE)系统及其 new energy power generation:equipment for photovoltaic power 他计算机应用系统制造 generation,geothermal power generation,tidal power generation,wave 12.软件产品开发、生产 power generation,garbage power generation,biogas power 13.电子专用材料开发与制造(光纤 generation,and wind power generation with a capacity of 2.5 预制棒开发与捌造滁外) megawatts or more 14.电子专用设备测试仪器、工模 8.Manufacturing of large pumped power storage units with rated power 具制造 of 350MW or more(limifed to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual 15.新型电子元器件制造:片式元器 joint ventures):pump-turbines and speed controllers,large variable 件、敏感元器件及传感器、频率控制与 speed reversible pump-turbine units,generator-motors,and excitation, 选择元件、混合集成电路、电力电子器 starters and other ancillary equipment 件、光电子器件、新理机电元件、高分 9.Manufacturing of Stirling generator sets 子固体电容器、超级电容器、无源集成 10.Development and manufacturing of linear motors,plane motors, 元件、高密度互连积层板、多层挠性 and their drive systems 板、刚挠印刷电路板及封装载板 11.Manufacturing of high-tech green batteries:nickel-metal hydride 16.触控系统(触控屏幕、触控组件 -17
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