transportation;design and research and development of relevant 24.游艇的没计与制造(限于合资、 information systems during information technology development; 合作) research and development,design,and manufacturing of track and (二十)电气机械及器材制造业 bridge facilities for high-speed railway,special lines for railway 1.100万千瓦超超临界火电机组用关 passenger transportation and intercity railway;research and 键辅机设备制造(限于合资、合作): development,design,and manufacturing of track transportation signal 安余阀、测节阀 systems;manufacturing of electrified railway equipment and apparatus, 2.燃煤电站、钢铁行业烧结机脱销 research and development of railway noise and vibration control 技术装备制造 technology,manufacturing of waste discharge equipment for railway ·3.火电设备的密封件设计、制造 passenger trains,and manufacturing of railway transportation safety 4.燃煤电站、水电站设备用大型铸 monitoring equipment 锻件制造 7.Design,manufacturing and maintenance of civil aircrafts:aircrafts for 5.水电机组用关键输机设备摑造 trunk lines and regional aircrafts(Chinese parties as controlling 6.输变电设备制造(限子合资、合 shareholders);and utility aircrafts(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or 作):非晶态合金变压器、500千伏及以 contractual joint ventures) 上高压开关用操作机构、灭城装翼、大 8.Manufacturing and maintenance of civil aircraft parts and 型盆式绝缘子(1000千伏,50千安以 components 上),500千伏及以上变压器用出线装 9.Design and manufacturing of civil helicopters:three tons or more 置、套管(交汽500、750、1000千伏, (Chinese parties as controlling shareholders)and less than three tons 直流所有 (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 规格)、调压开关(交流500、 10.Manufacturing of civil helicopter parts and components 750、1000千伏有载、无我调压开头), 11.Manufacturing of ground-effect and water-effect aircrafts (Chinese 直流输电用千式平波电抗器,±800千伏 parties as controlling shareholders) 直流输电用换流阀(水冷设备、直流场 12.Design and manufacturing of unmanned aircrafts and aerostats 设备),符合欧盟RoHS指令的电器触头 (Chinese parties as controlling shareholders).. 材料及无Pb、Cd的掉料 13.Design,manufacturing and maintenance of aircraft engines,engine 7.新能源发电成套设备或关键设备 parts and components and aircraft auxiliary power systems(limited to 制造:,光伏发电、地热发电、潮汐发 Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 电、波浪发电、垃圾发电、沼气发电、 14.Design and manufacturing of airborne equipment for civil aviation 2.5兆瓦及以上风力发电设条 (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures) 8.额定功率350MW及以上大型轴水 15.Manufacturing of aviation ground equipment:civil airport facilities, 蓄能机组制造(限于合资、合作):水 civil airport operation guarantee facilities,ground facilities for fight 泵水轮机及调速器、大型变速可逆式水 tests,flight simulation and training equipment,aviation test and 泵水轮机组、发电电动机及励磁、启动 measurement equipment,equipment for aviation ground tests, 装蹬等附属设备 integrated test equipment for airborne equipment,special equipment 9.斯特林发电机组制造 for aeronautical manufacturing,special equipment for trial 10.直线和平面电机及其驱动系统开 manufacturing of aeronautical materials,civil aircraft ground reception 发与制造 and application equipment,carrier rocket ground testing equipment, 11.高技术绿色电池制造:动力線氢 and equipment for carrier rocket mechanics and environmenta 电池、锌镍蓄电池、锌银蓄电池、鲤离 experiments 子电池、太阳能电池、燃斜电池等(新 16.Manufacturing of photoelectric and-electromechanical products for 能源汽车能量型动力电池除外) spacecrafts,temperature control products for spacecrafts,inspection 2。电动机采用直流捌速技术的制冷 equipment for satellite-bome products,and spacecraft structure and 空调用压缩机、采用CO2自然工质制冷 mechanism products 空调压缩机、应用可再生能源(空气 17.Manufacturing of light gas turbines 源、水源、地源)制冷空调设备制造 18.Design of cruise ship and deepwater(3,000 meters or more) 13.太阳能空调、采暖系统、太仰能 marine engineering equipment(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or 干燥装置制造 contractual joint ventures) 14.生物质干燥热解系统、生物质气 19.Manufacturing and repair of marine engineering equipment 化装置制造 (including modules)(Chinese parties as controlling shareholders) 15.交流调頫调压牵引装置制造 20.Design of low-and medium-speed diesel engines of vessels and (二中十一)通信设备、计算机及其 -16
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