engine emission control devices meeting China's Phase V pollutant 和桥梁设备研发、设计与制造,轨道交 emission standards,intelligent torque management(ITM)systems and 通运输通信信号系统的研发、设计与制 coupler assembly,steer-by-wire systems,diesel particulate trap 造,电气化铁路设备和器材制造、铁路 devices,special-purpose axles for low-floor large buses,energy- 噪声和振动控制技术与研发、铁路客车 absorbing steering system,variable frequency air-conditioning system 搏污设备脚造、铁路运输安全监测设备 for large and medium buses,special rubber automobile'accessories, 制造 and key parts and components of the above parts and components 7.民用飞机设计、制造与维修:平 3.Manufacturing and research and development of automobile 线、支线飞机(中方控股),通用飞机 electronic devices:electronic control systems and key parts and (限于合资、合作) components of engine and chassis;vehicle electronic technologies 8.民用飞机零部件制造与维修 (automobile information system and navigation system);automobile 9.民用直升设计与制造:3吨级及 electronic bus network technologies(limited to Chinese-foreign equity 以上(中方控搬),3肫级以下(限于合 joint ventures);input(sensor and sampling system)and output 资、合作) (actuator)components of electronic control system;electronic 10.民用直升机零部件制造 controllers for eledric power steering system (limited to Chinese 11.地面、水面效应飞机制造(中方 foreign equity jointventures);embedded electronic integrated systems 控投) (limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures): 12.无人机、浮空器设计与制造(中 electronically-controlled air springs;electronically-controlled 方控股) suspension systems;electronic valve system devices;electronic 13.航空发动机及零部件、航空辅助 combination instrument;ABS/TCS/ESP systems;Brake-By-Wire 动力系统设计、制造与维修(限于合 (BBW)system;gearbox transmission control unit(TCU);tire-pressure 资、合作) monitoring system(TPMS);on-board diagnostics(OBD);engine anti- 14.民用航空粗载设备设计与捌造 theft system;automatic bump-shielded system;and testing systems for (限于合资、合作) automobile and motorcycle testing and maintenance 15.航空地面设备制造:民用机场设 4.Manufacturing of key parts and components of new energy 施、民用机场运行保障设备、飞行试验 automobiles:high energy power batteries(energy density=110Wh/kg, 地面设备、飞行摸拟,与训练设备、航空 cycle life 22,000 times,and the proportion of foreign investment not 测试与计量设备、航空地面试验设备、 exceeding 50%),anode materials of batteries(specific capacity 机载设备综合测试设备、航空制造专用 150mAh/g,and cyde life of 2000 times with not less than 80%of initial 设备、航空材料试制专用设备、民用毓 discharge capacity),battery separators(thickness of 15-40um,porosity 空器地面接收及应用设备、运载火箭地 of 40%-60%);battery management systems,motor management. 面测试设备、运载火箭力学及环境实验 systems,and eleclronic control integration of electric vehicles;driving 设备 motors of electric vehicles (peak power density 22.5kW/kg,high- 16,航天器光机电产品、航天器温控 efficiency area:65%,efficiency in working area 280%),vehicle DC/DC 产品、星上产品检测设备、航天器结构 (input voltage of 100V-400V),high-power electronic devices(IGBT, 与机构产品制造 voltage class2600V,current =300A);and plug-in hybrid 17.轻型燃气轮机制造 electromechanical coupling drive systems 18.豪华邮轮及深水(3000米以上) 5.Manufacturing oi key parts and components for high-emission 海洋工程装备的设计(限于合资、合 (>250ml)motorcydes:electronically-controlled fuel injection technology 作) for motorcycles(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or contractual joint ,··19.海洋工程装备(含摸块)的制造 ventures).and engine emission control devices meeting China's Phase 与修理(中方控股) lll emission standards for motorcycles 20.船舶低、中速柴油机及其零部件 6.Track transportation equipment(limited to Chinese-foreign equity or 的设计(限于合资、合作) contractual joint ventures):research and development,design,and 21.船舶低、中速柴油机及曲轴的捌 manufacturing of vehicles and key parts and components(traction. 造(中方控股) drive system,control system,and brake system)of transportation 22.船舶舱室机械的设计与制造(中 equipment for high-speed railway,special lines for railway passenger 方相对控股) transportation,intercity railway,trunk railway,and urban track 23.船舶通讯导航设备的设计与制 transportation;research and development,design,and manufacturing 造:船舶通信系统设备、船舶电子导航 of service facilities and equipment for high-speed railway,special lines 设备、船用雷达、电罗经自动舵、船舶 for railway passenger transportation,intercity railway,and urban track 内部公共广播系统等 15-
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