63.Manufacturing of equipment for the remanufacturing of used and 按转向系统、柴油机颗粒捕捉器、低地 waste mechanical and electrical products 板大型客车专用车桥、吸能式转向系 64.Manufacturing of devices for the comprehensive utilization of used 统、大中型客车变類空鸿系统、汽车用 and waste tires 特种橡胶配件,以及上述琴部件的关键 65.Environmental protection technology for aquatic ecosystems and 等件、部件 the manufacturing of relevant equipment 3.汽车电子装置制造与研发:发动 66.Manufacturing of portable assembling water purification equipment 机和底盘电子控潮系统及关键零部件, 67.Unconventional water treatment or recycling equipment and water 车载电子技术(汽车信恩系统和导航系 quality monitoring instruments 统),汽车电子总线网络技术(限于合 68.Leak test equipment and instruments for industrial water pipeline 资),电子控制系统的输入(传感器和 networks and equipment (appliances) 采样系统)输出(执行器)部件,电动 69.Development of technologies for seawater desalination and 助力转向系统电子控捌器(限于合 circulating cooling with a daily capacity of 100,000 cubic meters or 资),嵌入式电子集成系统(根于合 more and manufacturing of relevant complete sets of equipment 资、合作)、电控式空气弹籤,电子控 70.Manufacturing of special meteorological observation and analysis 制式悬挂系统,电子气门系统装置,电 equipment 了组合仪表,ABS/TCS/ESP系统,电路 71.Technology system development for seismic stations,networks and 制动系统(BBW),变速器电控单元 mobile seismologic observation and manufacturing of relevant (TCU),轮胎气压测系统 apparatus and equipment (TPMS),军载故僻诊断仪 72.Manufacturing of radial tire building machine with three or more (OBD),发动机防盗系统,自动近撞 drums 系统,汽车、摩托车型试验及维修用检 73.Manufacturing of rolling resistance testers and establishment of tire 测系统 noise laboratories 4.新能源汽车关键零部件捌造:能 74.Manufacturing of equipment using new technology for heat supply 量型动力电池(能量密度之110Whkg, metering and temperature control devices 循环寿命22000次,外资比例不超过 75.Manufacturing of equipment for hydrogen energy preparation, 50%),电池正极材料(比容量 storage and transportation and inspection systems 2150mAh/g,循环寿命2000次不低于初 76.Manufacturing of new heavy residual oil gasification and atomizing 始放电容量的80%),电池隔膜(厚度 nozzles,high-efficiency steam trap valves with a leakage rate of 0.5% 15-40m,孔隙率40%-60%);电池管 or below,and high-temperature ceramic heat exchanger with 理系统,电机管理系统,电动汽车电控 temperature of 1,000 C or above 集成:电动汽车驱动电机(峰值功率密 77.Manufacturing of devices for recovery of marine oil spilling 度≥2.5kWkg,高效区:65%工作区效率 78.Manufacturing of equipment for utilization of low concentration coal- 280%),车用DC/DC(输入电压100V- mine gas and ventilation air methane 400V),大功察电子器种(1GBT,电压 (XIX)Transportation Equipment Manufacturing ,等级2600V,电流2300A);插电式混合 1.Manufacturing of automobile engines and establishment of engine 动力机电耦合驱动系统 research and development institutions:gasoline engines with power of 5.大排量(排量>250m)膝托车关 not less than 70 kilowatts per liter,diesel engines with power of not 键零部件制造:摩托车电控燃油喷射技 less than 50 kilowatts per liter and displacement of less than 3 liters, 术(限于合资、合作)、达到中恩滕托 diesel engines with power of not less than 40 kilowatts per liter and 车阶段污染物排放标港的发动机排放 displacement of more than 3 liters,and engines using new energy 控制装置 resources such as fuel cells and mixed fuels '6.轨道交通运输设备(限于合资、 2.Manufacturing of key automobile parts and components and 合作):高速铁路、铁路客运专线、城 research and develpment of key technologies:dual-clutch 际铁路、干线铁路及城市轨道交通运输 transmission(DCT),automated mechanical transmission(AMT), 设备的整车和关键零部件(牵引传动系 gasoline engine turbocharger,viscous coupling(for four-wheel drive), 统、控制系统、制动系统)的研发、设 actuator for automatic transmission (electromagnetic valve),hydraulic 计与制造:高速铁路、铁路客运专线、 retarder,eddy current retarder,gas generators for automobile safety 城际铁路及城市轨道交通乘客服务设 air-bags,common rail fuel injection technology (with maximum injection 和设备的研发、设计与制造,信息化建 pressure of more than 2,000 pa),variable geometry turbocharging 设中有关信息系统的设计与研发;高速 (VGT)technology,variable nozzle turbocharging (VNT)technology, 铁路、铁路客运专线、城际铁路的轨道
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