(BNCT) 60.尾矿综合利用设备翻造 47.Manufacturing of image-guided intensity modulated radiation 61.拨塑料、电器、橡胶、电池回 therapy systems 收处理再生利用改备制造 48.Manufacturing of haemodialysis machines and hemofiltration 62.废纺织品回收处理设备制造 machines 63.废用机电产品再造设备制造 49.Manufacturing of equipment for fully automated enzyme 64.废旧轮胎综合利用装置制造 immunoassay(EIA)systems(including some functions such as sample 65.水生生态系统的环境保护技术、 loading,enzyme labeling,ELISA plate washing,incubation,and data 设备制造 post-processing) 66.移动式组1合净水设备制造 50.New technology for drug quality control and manufacturing of new 67.非常规水处理、重复利用设条与 equipment for drug quality control 水质监测仪器 51.Development of new analysis technology and new extracting 68.工业水管网和设备(器具)的检 process for active substance in natural drugs;development and 漏设备和仪器 manufacturing of new extracting equipment 69.日产10万立方米及以上海水淡化 52.Manufacturing of multi-layer co-extrusion water-cooled blown film 及衢环冷却技术和成套设备开发与制遁 equipment for non-PVC medical infusion bags 70:特种气象观测及分析设备制造 53.Development and manufacturing of new textile machinery,key 71,地震台站、台网和流动地震观测技术 parts and components,and textile testing and experimental apparatus 系统开发及仪器设备制遣 54.Manufacturing of computer-aided jacquard artificial fur machines 72.三救及以.上子午线轮胎成型机制 55.Manufacturing of equipment specially for producing solar cells 造 56.Manufacturing of air pollution prevention and control equipment: 73.滚动阻力试验机、纶胎嗓音试验 high-temperature resistant and corrosion-resistant filtering materials, 室制造 low-NOx combustion devices,catalyst for flue gas denitrogenation and 74.供热计麓、温控装置新技术设备 complete sets of denitrogenation equipment,industrial organic exhaust 制造 purification equipment,diesel vehicle exhaust purification equipment, 75.氯能制备与储运设备及检查系统 and heavy metal exhaust air treatment equipment 制造 57.Manufacturing of water pollution prevention and control equipment: 76.新型熏渣油气化雾化喷嘴、漏汽 horizontal spiral centrifugal dehydrators,membrane and membrane 率0.5%及以下高效蒸汽疏水阀、1000℃ materials,ozone generators with a capacity of more than 50kg/h, 及以上高温陶瓷换热器脚造 chlorine dioxide generators with a capacity of more than 10 kg/h, 77.海上溢油回收装置制造 ultraviolet disinfection devices,small domestic sewage treatment 78.低浓度煤邪广瓦斯和乏风刹用改备 equipment used inrural areas,and heavy metal wastewater treatment 制造 equipment (十九)交通运输设备制造业 58.Manufacturing of solid waste treatment and disposal equipment: 1.汽车发动机制造及发动机研发机 sewage plant sludge disposal and resource recycling equipment, 构建设:升功率不低于70千瓦的汽油发 complete sets of refuse incineration equipment with a daily treatment 动机、升功率不低于50千瓦的排量3升以 capacity of 500 tons or more,landfill leachate treatment technology 下柴油发动机、升功率不纸于40千瓦的 equipment,anti-seepage geo-membranes in landfills,building waste 排量3升以上柴油发动机、燃料电池和混 treatment and resource recovery utilization equipment,devices for 合燃料等新能源发动机 disposal of hazardous waste,devices for power generation with biogas 2.汽车关键零部件榭造及关键技术 in landfills,treatment equipment for ferrous wastes,and soil 研发:双离合器变速器(DCT)、电控 remediation equipment 机械变速器(AMT)、汽油发动机涡轮 59.Development and manufacturing of equipment for the 增压器、粘性连轴器(四轮驱动用)、 comprehensive utilization of red mud from aluminum industry 自动变速器执行器(电磁阀)、液力缓 60.Manufacturing of equipment for the comprehensive utilization of 速器、电涡流缓速器、汽车安全气藏用 mine tailings 气体发生器、燃油共轨喷射技术(最大 61.Manufacturing of equipment for the collection,treatment and 喷射压力大于2000帕)、可变载面涡轮 recycling of used and waste plastics,electrical appliances,rubbers, 增压技术(VGT)、可变喷嘴涡轮增压 and batteries 技术(VNT)、达到中国V阶段污染物 62.Manufacturing of reclamation equipment for used and waste 排放标准的发动机排放控制装置、智能 textiles 扭矩管理系统(ITM)及耦合器总成、线 13-
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