silicon-adding systems,and deviation adjustment devices 利用设备制造 31.Manufacturing of electron-gun automatic coating machines 39.农用废物的资源化利用及规模化 32.Deep processing technology for sheet glass and manufacturing of 畜禽养殖废物的资源化利用设备制造 relevant equipment 40.节肥、节(农)药、节水型农业 33.Manufacturing of complete sets of equipment such as new types of 技术设备制造 paper(including pulp)making machines 41.机电并清洗设备及清洗药物生产 34.Manufacturing of equipment using new leather post ornament'and 设备制造 processing technology 42.电子内窥镜制读 35.Development and manufacturing of new agricultural product 43.眼底摄影机酵造 processing and storage equipment:new equipment for the processing, 44.医用成像设备(高场强超导型磁 storage,preservation,grading,packaging.and drying of grains,ol 共振成像设备、X线计算机断层成像设 plants.vegetables,dried and fresh fruit products,meat products, 备、数字化彩色超声诊断设备等)关键 aquatic products,and other products;agricultural product quality 部件的制造 inspection instruments and equipment;damage-free quality inspection 45.医用超声换能器(3D)制造 instruments and equipment for agricultural products;rheometers; 46.刚中子俘获治疗没备制造 farinographs;ultramicro crushing equipment;high-efficiency 47.图像引导适调强放射治疗系統 dewatering equipment;high-efficiency fruit juice condensation 制造 equipment achieving five or more effects;sterilization equipment for 48.血液透析机、·血液过滤机制造 powder food materials;solid and semi-solid food aseptically packaging 49.全自动酶免系统(含加样、酶 equipment;and disk-type centrifugal separators 标、洗板、孵育、数据后处理等部分功 36.Manufacturing of agricultural machinery:agricultural equipment 能)设备制造 (automatic irrigation equipment for greenhouses,equipment for 50.药品质趾挖制新技术、新设备制 automatic disposition of nutrient solutions and fertilization,high- 造 efficiency vegetable seedling equipment,and soil nutrient analysis 51:天然药物有效物质分析折的新技 equipment);tractors with an engine power of 120 kilowatts or more and 术、提取的新工艺、新设备开发与制造 the auxiliary farm implements;diesel engines with low fuel 52.非PVC医用输液袋多层共挤水冷 consumption,low noise and low emission;sprayers auxiliary to large 式薄膜吹塑装备制造 tractors and equipped with residual droplets retrieval devices;high- 53.新型纺织机械、关键零部件及纺 performance rice transplanters;cotton picking machines and cotton 织检测、实验仪器开发与制造 picking platforms;self-propelled(hydraulically or mechanically-driven) 54.电脑提花人造毛皮机制造 corn combine harvesters adaptable to various row spacings;rapeseed.. 55.太阳能电池生产专用设备制造 harvesters;cane harvesters;and beet harvesters 56.大气污染防治设备制造:耐高温 37.Manufacturing of forestry machinery and instruments using new 及耐腐蚀滤料、低NOx燃烧装置、烟气 technology 脱氯化剂及脱氮成套装置、工业有机 38.Manufacturing of equipment for the collection,bundling and 废气净化设备、柴油车排气净化装置、 comprehensive utilization of crop straws 含逭金属废气处理装置 39.Manufacturing of equipment for the resource utilization of 57.水污染防治设备制造:卧式螺旋 agricultural waste and waste from livestock and poultry breeding 离心脱水机、膜及膜材料、50kgh以上 meeting a certain scale 的臭氧发生器、10kgh以上的二鼠化氯 40.Manufacturing of agricultural equipment using fertilizer-saving, 发生器、紫外消毒装置、农村小型生活 pesticide-saving or water-saving technology 污水处理设备、含重金属废水处理装置 41.Manufacturing of equipment for cleaning electromechanical wells 58.固体废物处理处置设备制造:污 and equipment for producing cleaning agents 水处理厂污泥处置及资源利用设备、日 42.Manufacturing of electronic endoscopes 处理墩500吨以上垃圾焚烧成套设备、垃 43.Manufacturing of fundus cameras 圾填埋渗滤液处理技术装备、垃圾填理 44.Manufacturing of key components of medical imaging equipment 场防渗土工膜、建筑垃圾处理和资源化 (including but not limited to high-field-strength superconducting 利用装备、危险废物处理装置、拉吸填 magnetic resonance imaging equipment,X-ray computed tomography 埋场涩气发电装置、废钢铁处理设备、 imaging equipment,and digital color diagnostic ultrasound equipment) 污染士壤修复设备 45.Manufacturing of(3D)ultrasonic transducers for medical use 59.铝工业赤泥综合利用设备开发与 46.Manufacturing of equipment for boron neutron capture therapy 制造 -12-
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