翟振宇等:金属有机骨架(MOFs)/纤维材料用于电阻式气体传感器的研究进展 ·1105· 4631 framework-based wearable fibers for gas probing and energy [25]Smith M K,Mirica K A.Self-organized frameworks on textiles storage.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces,2018,10(3):2837 (SOFT):conductive fabrics for simultaneous sensing,capture,and [29]Ghanbarian M,Zeinali S,Mostafavi A.A novel MIL-53(Cr- filtration of gases.JAm Chem Soc,2017,139(46):16759 FeVAg/CNT nanocomposite based resistive sensor for sensing of [26]Hmadeh M,Lu Z,Liu Z,et al.New porous crystals of extended volatile organic compounds.Sensors Actuat B-Chem,2018,267: metal-catecholates.Chem Mater,2012,24(18):3511 381 [27]Sheberla D,Sun L,Blood-Forsythe M A,et al.High electrical conductivity in Ni-3(2,3,6,7,10,11-hexaiminotriphenyl-ene(2), [30]Choi S J,Choi H J,Koo W T,et al.Metal-organic framework- a semiconducting metal-organic graphene analogue.J Am Chem templated PdO-Co,O nanocubes functionalized by SWCNTs: S0c,2014,136(25):8859 improved NO,reaction kinetics on flexible heating film.ACS Appl [28]Rui K,Wang X S,Du M,et al.Dual-function metal -organic Mater Interfaces,2017,9(46):405934631 Smith  M  K,  Mirica  K  A.  Self-organized  frameworks  on  textiles (SOFT): conductive fabrics for simultaneous sensing, capture, and filtration of gases. J Am Chem Soc, 2017, 139(46): 16759 [25] Hmadeh M, Lu Z, Liu Z, et al. New porous crystals of extended metal-catecholates. Chem Mater, 2012, 24(18): 3511 [26] Sheberla  D,  Sun  L,  Blood-Forsythe  M  A,  et  al.  High  electrical conductivity in Ni-3(2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11-hexaiminotriphenyl-ene)(2), a  semiconducting  metal-organic  graphene  analogue. J Am Chem Soc, 2014, 136(25): 8859 [27] [28] Rui  K,  Wang  X  S,  Du  M,  et  al.  Dual-function  metal –organic framework-based  wearable  fibers  for  gas  probing  and  energy storage. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2018, 10(3): 2837 Ghanbarian  M,  Zeinali  S,  Mostafavi  A.  A  novel  MIL-53(Cr￾Fe)/Ag/CNT  nanocomposite  based  resistive  sensor  for  sensing  of volatile  organic  compounds. Sensors Actuat B-Chem,  2018,  267: 381 [29] Choi  S  J,  Choi  H  J,  Koo  W  T,  et  al.  Metal-organic  framework￾templated  PdO-Co3O4 nanocubes  functionalized  by  SWCNTs: improved NO2 reaction kinetics on flexible heating film. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2017, 9(46): 40593 [30] 翟振宇等: 金属有机骨架(MOFs)/纤维材料用于电阻式气体传感器的研究进展 · 1105 ·
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