Objective 学习目标 To understand:需要了解: how different food technologies can be used to prevent spoilage and/or control hazards in foods 防止食品腐败和(或)控制潜在危害的食品加工技术不同 the factors (parameters)which influence the process and thus the safety of the final products 影响加工过程以及终产品安全的各种因素(参数) ●how to monitor these factors如何监控这些因素 窗6 To understand : 需要了解: how different food technologies can be used to prevent spoilage and/or control hazards in foods 防止食品腐败和(或)控制潜在危害的食品加工技术不同 the factors (parameters) which influence the process and thus the safety of the final products 影响加工过程以及终产品安全的各种因素(参数) how to monitor these factors 如何监控这些因素 Objective 学习目标