Final Examination in"Chinese-English Translation"for Grade'01 KEY Student No. Name Mark 1.Put the following torms into Enalish 1.语境 context 2.可译性 translatability 3.联想意义 associative meaning 4,非等位 non-equivalence:non-equivalent 5.欠额翻译 undertranslation 6.上下义关系hyponymy 7隐含意义 connotative meaning 8,语用分析 pragmatic analysis 9.音译 10.译语读者反应receptor's response Il.Put the following sentences into English 1.他那粗心大意的态度到头来转成了大错。 His carelessness resulted in a series blunder. 2.世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。 Only after Bole came into the world,can winged horses be distinguished.Such horses are common,but a Bole is rare. 3 “这断子绝孙的阿Q:“远远地听得小尼姑的带哭的声音。 Ah may you the litle nun's voice tearfully in the distance. 4. 不是鬼使神差,好端端的小陈老爷怎么会抽上鸦片烟? If it hadn't been for the of devils.why would a decent fellow like Master Chan have taken tosmoking opium? 5. “对牛弹琴“这句话,包含讥笑对象的意思 The saying "to play the flute to acoimplies a gibe at the audience. 6. 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。 They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism. 7。我们的车子朝前开若,一边是青翠的公园,另一边是十分朵板、毫无生气的豪华旅馆和公寓建筑。 We drove along between the green of the park and the stony lifeless elegance of hotels and apartment buildings. 8.中国的规矩是向上级介绍下级。 The Chinese rule is that the inferior is introduced to the superior. 9.正如没经过大事的人,他是经不起成功也经不起失败的。Final Examination in "Chinese-English Translation " for Grade’01 KEY Student No._ Name_ Mark_ I. Put the following terms into English 1.语境 context 2.可译性 translatability 3.联想意义 associative meaning 4.非等值 non-equivalence; non-equivalent 5.欠额翻译 undertranslation 6.上下义关系 hyponymy 7.隐含意义 connotative meaning 8.语用分析 pragmatic analysis 9.音译 transliteration 10.译语读者反应 receptor’s response II. Put the following sentences into English 1. 他那粗心大意的态度到头来铸成了大错。 His carelessness resulted in a series blunder. 2. 世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。 Only after Bole came into the world, can winged horses be distinguished. Such horses are common, but a Bole is rare. 3. "这断子绝孙的阿Q!"远远地听得小尼姑的带哭的声音。 "Ah Q, may you die sonless!" Sounded the little nun’s voice tearfully in the distance. 4. 不是鬼使神差,好端端的小陈老爷怎么会抽上鸦片烟? If it hadn’t been for the influence of devils, why would a decent fellow like Master Chan have taken to smoking opium? 5. "对牛弹琴"这句话,包含讥笑对象的意思。 The saying "to play the flute to a cow" implies a gibe at the audience. 6. 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。 They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism. 7. 我们的车子朝前开着,一边是青翠的公园,另一边是十分呆板、毫无生气的豪华旅馆和公寓建筑。 We drove along between the green of the park and the stony lifeless elegance of hotels and apartment buildings. 8. 中国的规矩是向上级介绍下级。 The Chinese rule is that the inferior is introduced to the superior. 9. 正如没经过大事的人,他是经不起成功也经不起失败的
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