Like those of itle experience.he is easily elated by success and deflated by failure. 10.这是一幅女儿国的画面。在这里女着男装主外,男着女装主内,阴阳颠倒,让人啼笑皆非。 This is the in the State of Women.in which the sex roles are reversed.Women dressed as mengo out to work and men dressed as women stay in to do the housework. Ill.Put the following paragraph into English 深圳卧邻香港,珠海靠近澳门,汕头是因为东南亚困家潮州人多,厦门是因为闺南人在外国经商的很多,但是没有考虑到上海在人 才方面的优势。上海人聪明,素质好,如果当时就确定在上海也设经济特区,现在就不是这个样子。十四个沿海开放城市有上海,但 那是一般化的。浦东如果像深圳经济特区郑样,早几年开发就好了。开发浦东,这个形响就大了,不只是浦东的问题,是关系上海发 展的问题,是利用上海这个基地发展长江三角洲和长江流域的问愿。抓紧浦东开发,不要动摇,一直到建成。只要守用,按照国际 惯例办事,人家首先会把资金投到上海,克争就要靠这个竞争。 Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong.and Zhuhai is close to Macao.We chose Shantou because there are many natives of nearby Chaozhou living in Southeast Asian countries.Xiamen became a special economic zone because many natives of souther Fujian have emigrated and.However.wedid not take the intellectual advantages of Shanghaiinto account.Since the people of Shanghai are clever and well educated,if we had decided to establish a special economic zone here the city would look very different now. cities incude Shanghai,but these have no special status.t would have been better to develop the Pudong District a few years ago.like the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.Development of the Pudong District will have a great impact not whole Yantze basin.So we should lose no time in developing the Pudong District and persevere until construction is completed.So That is the right way to compete. Like those of little experience, he is easily elated by success and deflated by failure. 10. 这是一幅女儿国的画面。在这里女着男装主外,男着女装主内,阴阳颠倒,让人啼笑皆非。 This is the ironic scene in the State of Women, in which the sex roles are reversed. Women dressed as men go out to work and men dressed as women stay in to do the housework. III. Put the following paragraph into English 深圳毗邻香港,珠海靠近澳门,汕头是因为东南亚国家潮州人多,厦门是因为闽南人在外国经商的很多,但是没有考虑到上海在人 才方面的优势。上海人聪明,素质好,如果当时就确定在上海也设经济特区,现在就不是这个样子。十四个沿海开放城市有上海,但 那是一般化的。浦东如果像深圳经济特区那样,早几年开发就好了。开发浦东,这个影响就大了,不只是浦东的问题,是关系上海发 展的问题,是利用上海这个基地发展长江三角洲和长江流域的问题。抓紧浦东开发,不要动摇,一直到建成。只要守信用,按照国际 惯例办事,人家首先会把资金投到上海,竞争就要靠这个竞争。 Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong, and Zhuhai is close to Macao. We chose Shantou because there are many natives of nearby Chaozhou living in Southeast Asian countries. Xiamen became a special economic zone because many natives of southern Fujian have emigrated to other countries and gone into trade. However, we did not take the intellectual advantages of Shanghai into account. Since the people of Shanghai are clever and well educated, if we had decided to establish a special economic zone here, the city would look very different now. The 14 open coastal cities include Shanghai, but these have no special status. It would have been better to develop the Pudong District a few years ago, like the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Development of the Pudong District will have a great impact not just on the district itself but on all of Shanghai, which in turn will serve as a base for the development of the Yantze delta and the whole Yantze basin. So we should lose no time in developing the Pudong District and persevere until construction is completed. So long as we keep our word and act in accordance with international practice, foreign entrepreneurs will choose to invest in Shanghai. That is the right way to compete
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