[10]Donald Worster,"Doing Environmental History,"p.293. [11]Roderick Nash,Wildness and American Mind,Third Edition,New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,1982. [12]Donald Hughes,North American Indian Ecology.El Paso,TX:Texas Western Press,1996. [13]John R.McNeill,"Observations on the Nature and Culture of Environmental History,"History and Theory 42(December,2003):5-43. 在第9页。 [14]Donald Worster,"Doing Environmental History,"p.293. [15]J.M.Powell,Historical Geography and Environmental History:An Australian Interface,Clayton:Monash University Department of Geography and Environmental Science,Working Paper No.40,1995. [16]William A.Green,"Environmental History,"in History,Historian, and the Dynamics of Change,by William A Green.Westport,CT:Praeger,1993,pp.167-190. [17]Stephen Dovers,"Australian Environmental History:Introduction,Reviews and Principles,"in Australian Environmental History:Essays and Cases,edited by Stephen Oovers,pp.1-20. 引文在第7页。 [18]Ian Gordon Simmons,Changing the Face of the Earth:Culture, Environment,History.Oxford:Blackwell,1989. [19]Ian Gordon Simmons,Environment History:A Concise Introduction.Oxford:Blackwell,1993. [20]Andrew Goudie,The Human Impact on the Natural Environment,MA:MIT Press,2000. [21]Riley E.Dunlap,"Paradigmatic Change in Social Science:From Human Exemptions to an Ecological Paradigm,"American Behavioral Scientist 24,1 (September1980):5-14.引文在第5页。 [22]William R.Carton Jr.and Riley E.Dunlap,"A New Ecological Paradigm for Post-Exuberant Sociology,"American Behavioral Scientist 24,1(September1980):15-47. [23]John Rodman,"Paradigm Change in Political Science:An Ecological Perspective,"American Behavioral Scientist 24,1(September 1980):49-78.[10]Donald Worster,"Doing Environmental History,"p.293. [11]Roderick Nash, Wildness and American Mind, Third Edition, New Haven, CT:Yale University Press,1982. [12]Donald Hughes, North American Indian Ecology. E1 Paso, TX:Texas Western Press,1996. [13]John R.McNeil1,"Observations on the Nature and Culture of Environmental History,"History and Theory 42(December,2003):5-43.引文 在第 9 页。 [14]Donald Worster,"Doing Environmental History,"p.293. [15]J.M.Powell,Historical Geography and Environmental History:An Australian Interface, Clayton:Monash University Department of Geography and Environmental Science,Working Paper No.40,1995. [16]William A.Green,"Environmental History,"in History,Historian, and the Dynamics of Change, by William A Green.Westport,CT:Praeger,1993,pp.167-190. [17]Stephen Dovers,"Australian Environmental History:Introduction,Reviews and Principles,"in Australian Environmental History: Essays and Cases,edited by Stephen Oovers,pp.1-20. 引文在第 7 页。 [18]Ian Gordon Simmons,Changing the Face of the Earth:Culture, Environment, History.Oxford:Blackwell,1989. [19]Ian Gordon Simmons,Environment History:A Concise Introduction.Oxford: Blackwell,1993. [20]Andrew Goudie,The Human Impact on the Natural Environment,MA:MIT Press,2000. [21]Riley E.Dunlap,"Paradigmatic Change in Social Science:From Human Exemptions to an Ecological Paradigm,"American Behavioral Scientist 24,1 (September1980):5-14.引文在第 5 页。 [22]William R.Carton Jr.and Riley E.Dunlap,"A New Ecological Paradigm for Post-Exuberant Sociology,"American Behavioral Scientist 24,1(September 1980): 15-47. [23]John Rodman,"Paradigm Change in Political Science:An Ecological Perspective,"American Behavioral Scientist 24,1(September 1980):49-78
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