Sere ·Sere:a“unit'of succession 从生物侵入开始直至顶极群落的整个顺序演变过程构成一个 演替系列 。 Seral stage:each community type within the sere -Pioneer community:the first seral stage先锋群落 Seral Community/Successional Community the intermediate stages 生群落 -Climax community:the final seral stage顶极群落 It usually takes an area 500-1000 years to go from pioneer to climax seral stages. 3 3 • Sere: a “unit” of succession 从生物侵入开始直至顶极群落的整个顺序演变过程构成一个 演替系列. • Seral stage: each community type within the sere – Pioneer community: the first seral stage 先锋群落 – Seral Community/ Successional Community : the intermediate stages 中 生群落 – Climax community: the final seral stage 顶极群落 • It usually takes an area 500–1000 years to go from pioneer to climax seral stages. Sere
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