《基础英语2》教学大纲 (General English 2) 基本信息 课程 B2330106 课程 必修■ 洗修口 编号 属性 学分 4 总学时 64 理论 64 上机 实 学时 学时 学时 课程 公共基础口 综合素质口大类基础口院内平台■专业基础口 举别 专业主干口专业方向/特色口专业任选口顶峰课程口 先修 基础英语1 课程 开课 单位 英语学院 适用 专业 英语专业、翻译专业 课程负 崔扬 撰写人 张德功 审核人 宋文玲 责人 二、课程说明 1.课程介绍 《基础英语》系列课程是英语专业和翻译专业低年级的学科平台课程。《基 础英语2》是《基础英语1》的后续课程。该课程在兼顾听说读写译和英美文化 等基础语言知识和技能的同时,侧重于句法的习得,即由前一阶段的侧重词汇层 面上升到句法层面。通过本门课程的学习,学生的句法知识在广度上得以扩展, 在深度上得以加深,具有比较系统的英语句法知识:同时能够把所习得的句法知 识运用于英语写作实践之中,掌握句子这一写作的基本单位,能够写出更得体的 句子,增强句子的表现力和效度,为后续学习中段落的主旨概括和篇章的概括总 结写作奠定基础。 General English is a series of platform courses designed for the first-and second-year students of both English and BTI majors.As a sequel to General English 1,General English 2 focuses on the students'syntax acquisition while still taking int account the basic language knowledge and skills such as listening.speaking.reading. writing,translation and English and American cultures,that is,the focus is shifted from lexical level in the previous course to syntactic level at the present stage.The study of the course is expected to enable the students to expand syntactic knowledge both in breadth and in depth,and to have a relatively systematic syntactic knowledge of English.Meanwhile,the students are supposed to apply the acquired syntactic knowledge to the practice of English writing.to master the relevant skills of writing a variety of sentences as the basic unit of composition,and to be able to write more appropriate and effective sentences,so that a solid foundation is laid for the writingof the main ideas of paragraphs and the summary of a whole text in subsequent learning6 《基础英语 2》教学大纲 (General English 2) 一、基本信息 课程 编号 B2330106 课程 属性 必修■ 选修□ 学分 4 总学时 64 理论 学时 64 上机 学时 实验 学时 课程 类别 公共基础□ 综合素质□ 大类基础□ 院内平台■ 专业基础□ 专业主干□ 专业方向/特色□ 专业任选□ 顶峰课程□ 先修 课程 基础英语 1 开课 单位 英语学院 适用 专业 英语专业、翻译专业 课程负 责人 崔扬 撰写人 张德功 审核人 宋文玲 二、课程说明 1.课程介绍 《基础英语》系列课程是英语专业和翻译专业低年级的学科平台课程。《基 础英语 2》是《基础英语 1》的后续课程。该课程在兼顾听说读写译和英美文化 等基础语言知识和技能的同时,侧重于句法的习得,即由前一阶段的侧重词汇层 面上升到句法层面。通过本门课程的学习,学生的句法知识在广度上得以扩展, 在深度上得以加深,具有比较系统的英语句法知识;同时能够把所习得的句法知 识运用于英语写作实践之中,掌握句子这一写作的基本单位,能够写出更得体的 句子,增强句子的表现力和效度,为后续学习中段落的主旨概括和篇章的概括总 结写作奠定基础。 General English is a series of platform courses designed for the first- and second-year students of both English and BTI majors. As a sequel to General English 1, General English 2 focuses on the students’ syntax acquisition while still taking into account the basic language knowledge and skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and English and American cultures, that is, the focus is shifted from lexical level in the previous course to syntactic level at the present stage. The study of the course is expected to enable the students to expand syntactic knowledge both in breadth and in depth, and to have a relatively systematic syntactic knowledge of English. Meanwhile, the students are supposed to apply the acquired syntactic knowledge to the practice of English writing, to master the relevant skills of writing a variety of sentences as the basic unit of composition, and to be able to write more appropriate and effective sentences, so that a solid foundation is laid for the writing of the main ideas of paragraphs and the summary of a whole text in subsequent learning
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